-forgiving (so easy to erase, magical cotton swabs)
CONS: -sharpen the chalk (boring boring boring)
I started with a piece of MDF painted with black chalk paint and then lots of practice practice practice:
Qualche settimana fa ho avuto l'opportunità di avere tra le mani questo libro 'The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering
Sono partita da un pezzo di MDF che ho dipinto con del gesso nero, e poi tanta pratica:
Practicing, erasing, starting again...:-)
Molta pratica dopo...
This is the final sample, putting all together, lettering, banners , borders and flowers, it's not so bad.
E qui il pezzo finale, niente di eclatante, però soddisfacente.
And this is where I applied hand-lettering lately, just some sneak peek about what's happening next week here on the blog, I will be sharing a big, excting news, stay tuned!
E qui su alcune cosette a cui sto lavorando ultimamente, grandi novità la prossima settimana qui sul blog, seguitemi!
8 commenti:
Che meraviglia!!Mi piacerebbe molto imparare!
Bellissime scritte! Come sarebbe a dire che il risultato non è eclatante??? ...A me sembra straordinario!!! :D ...Sarà che io con la bella calligrafia sono negata... troppe ore alla tastiera! LOL
... Aspetto con molta curiosità le tue nuove espressioni creative, chissà con quali meraviglie ci stupirai stavolta!!! :D
Un abbraccio!
Wow, wow, wow!!!!
So beautiful hand-lettering on your chalk board, Gio. I know I should follow your steps, need a bit of extra time (and courage also maybe!) to do it.
Waiting now eagerly for the next post teehee!! :-)
Well done for all that practice and perseverance. Looking forward to seeing your lettering in your new projects. Xx
WOw Gio! you learned to write letters like that from this book after a few weeks of practice? Fabulouso!
I'll bet you had the talent there in the first place ")
I'll have to check into the book as I really do like the styles you have created!
thanks for sharing!
hugs,Jackie xx
Yes Jackie, the book is really full of instructions. Anyway, practice practice practice is the key, definitely!
Excellent work - "practice makes perfect" we say here in Britain, and it's clearly true from all your hard work and these perfect results.
Alison x
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