mercoledì 13 settembre 2017

Colourful Midori with Pixie Powders

And following my previous post about the new toy Pixie Powders, you can apply the same techniche showed in the video to make not only cards, but for example a Midori cover and its inserts. A lovely, and useful gift, if you like:
E la seconda parte del post sulle favolose Pixies eccola qui, stessa tecnica del video, non solo cards, ma anche la copertina del Midori e i quadernini interni.

13 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

MERAVIGLIAAAAA!!!! :D Come mi piace!!! Coloratissimo e "libero", con quelle favolose cuciture ovunque, anche sul segnalibro!!! ... E l'inserto con la clip... i sentiments stupendi!!!! ... e che bellissimi charms!!!
Una vera chicca!!! Pinnato subitissimo!! :D

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Fabulous, Gio! Such uplifting colours - even more so with the white space to create such a fresh, clean look. I love it!
Alison x

maj. ha detto...

Totally adorable!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

So beautiful Gio. You are very talented xx

nefertiti ha detto...

Always colorful and gorgeous !!!! love your Midori cover Gio.

Anonimo ha detto...

Great colors and always your special embellishments to finish it off. xox

Mia ha detto...

Wow, Gio! I love it. You are a great artist, my friend.

Immi ha detto...

Love the wonderful colors!

Jackie PN ha detto...

Gio, this is absolutely gorgeous! I love your bright and happy colors and your beading is perfect!!
hugs my friend,Jackie xx

Juliz Design Post ha detto...

This project is like a ray of sunshine, a beautiful design and wonderful colour mix.
Julie x

Cocofolies ha detto...

Super gorgeous :-))))
You really are a master of Midori journals! All different and stunning!!!
I wish you the best of luck for this year in all your projects my dear Gio. <3

craftytrog ha detto...

I love it! Such beautiful colours Gio! xx

SusanLotus ha detto...

Fabulous creation!
I love the idea and the colours.
Bright and refreshing.

Have a wonderful weekend.