martedì 3 gennaio 2023

99 Prints: Let's start!

Happy New Year everyone! YES, I set my mind on a creative, one year long project, coveted for a long time. I really needed something to push me to create, experiment, use new and old stuff, have fun again with paint and colours, I CAN DO IT!! There's no deadline (well, except to finish by 2023), no pressure, no rules, I can make one print or 10 in one session, whatever I feel like. This time I was able to make 9 prints because I applied my favourite technique, used faves paints, faves hand-made tools, easy peasy, next time...who knows. There's a short video process at the end, enjoy :-) 
99prints_8This one is made cleaning the gel plate at the end, no paint is wasted:
99prints_9Here's the videos:

Until the next time!

3 commenti:

Crafty Claire ha detto...

You make it look so easy! I'm glad you are enjoying the process and the playing. Looking forward to seeing the next 90 prints :-) xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Buon 2023 Gio!!! :) Bellissime gellate!! Guardarti creare è sempre un grande piacere!!
Sono curiosa sul tuo progetto a lungo termine... Da te mi aspetto davvero qualsiasi cosa :D ...Magari hai intenzione di tappezzare le pareti della tua craftroom con i fogli gellati? :D

laurannic ha detto...

Très belle année créative, se donner des objectifs et surtout les tenir. Merci de tous ces partages.Je guette toujours tes créations;