giovedì 1 dicembre 2022

Are you BADASS enough??


Hello everyone, I am super excited to let you know I am part of 2023 BADASS Art Journal, along with 15 amazing artists, hosted by the one and only Tiare Smith! 
17 video lesson with downloadable PDF instructions, registration starts today, with a whooping early, early bird 25% discount. Use this link and enter code SOGOOD25 at checkout. This is an affiliate link, so I earn a small commission out of it, please support me and all the other artists. 

One BADASS Art Journal is designed to inspire you to create, to learn, to feel confident and provide you with the tools, techniques and inspiration needed to feel BADASS every day that you make art! The theme for 2023 is: CHALLENGE YOUR inner BADASS. You know, that BADASS who is within, who yearns to play, to create, to be free. 
That BADASS who wants to learn, try the technique, to play and experiment with art, who wants to enjoy art and be free! That BADASS who will throw the paint and NOT allow fear to stop her/him! It will be fun, we start together a BADASS 2023 :-).
I hope to see you there!

1 commento:

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Mmmm...looks good. Will wait to see if I have some Christmas present pennies to spend ;-)