lunedì 22 agosto 2022

Video Tutorial: New Stencils Tamara and Modern Times

Welcome back everyone :-). After a long break here we are again, with cooler temperature (finally!!), a new video and new stencils! These are inspired by Tamara de Lempicka and 1930 geometric patterns. I hope you like them:

I've created a triptych faux tag out of a A4 gel printed sheet, love this how it turned it out.
The new stencils are already available in my Etsy shop:

3 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Favolosi stencils geometrici!!! E bellissima anche la donna (secondo me ti somiglia! :D ) Non conosco Tamara de Lempicka, farò una ricerca, c'è sempre da imparare! :)
...Prima però vado a godermi il video, adoro i trittici ;)
Un abbraccio

Gio ha detto...

Grazie mille,Alice😍

Crafty Claire ha detto...

I really love these. Looking forward to my order arriving...although our post service is on strike at the moment so who knows when that will be! xx