Hello everyone! To fight against this hot weather what better way than using a lovely fan? I've been given a white one lately (ready to be painted over) and from that one sparked the idea to make a new set of stencil fan shape, perfect to make thank you tags to attach to my orders.
Here's a video where I show how I made the fan tags and shrinked embellishments:
These are gel printed tags:
A couple of cards that I love, with those little paper dolls peeking out from the fan:
And some shrinked embellishments, so cute:
These are the new stencils, available in my Etsy shop:
Bellissimi, ce n'è per tutti i gusti! :D E con lo shrink sarebbero deliziosi pure come orecchini! Davvero interessanti come sfondi per le card, anche questi nuovi stencils sono molto versatili!! Super come sempre!
I'm sure I commented on this one but I can't see it. Something funny is going on with all my blog feeds. I love the little fans. The ones with black really stand out xx
2 commenti:
Bellissimi, ce n'è per tutti i gusti! :D E con lo shrink sarebbero deliziosi pure come orecchini! Davvero interessanti come sfondi per le card, anche questi nuovi stencils sono molto versatili!! Super come sempre!
I'm sure I commented on this one but I can't see it. Something funny is going on with all my blog feeds. I love the little fans. The ones with black really stand out xx
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