martedì 29 agosto 2017

Video Tutorial: How to...Distress Oxide Midori and inserts

So, we loved and used and chased the new colours of these Distress Oxide, but what to do with those gorgeous background we made sometimes in tons (here, if you missed it '10 Ways to use Distress Oxides' video)? But...a Midori, of course, and the inserts as well. You can use the technique shows on the video also to make cards or ArtJournal pages. So, enjoy!

Questi Distress Oxide ci hanno proprio conquistato, e da qualche giorno sono anche usciti i nuovi colori, ma alla fine che farci con tutti gli sfondi che ci siamo divertite a creare (qui il video '10 Modi di usare 'Distress Oxide')? Ma una Midori, ovvio, e gli inserti all'interno...naturalmente la tecnica è applicabile alle card, all'ArtJournal, e allo scrapbooking.
English Version

Italian Version
Some details:

6 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Che figata!!! :D Mi piace un sacco, è comodissima da portare in borsa e i DO rendono un sacco con i tuoi stencils e le timbrate nere!!!
Da copiare subito!!! :D Grazie per il videotutorial, come sempre istruttivo e godibilissimo!
Un abbraccio

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Brilliant idea to use the laminator. I might actually finally get around to making one! Xxx

maj. ha detto...

It is beautiful!!!!!

Jackie PN ha detto...

your posts never fail to engage me!! What gorgeous journals you made from those delicious backgrounds- and who doesn't love their Distress Oxides- right?!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to make the videos! I have them bookmarked to refer to later, when I put together my own pages!
huge hugs,Jackie xx

Cocofolies ha detto...

I adore your video Gio, and this Midori!!!
A big hug from beautiful Ardèche, where I'm still on holidays for a couple of days! :)

Words and Pictures ha detto...

It's really fascinating to see how you are playing with the Oxides - everyone seems to have a slightly different way with them. These pages are really pretty - and I'm looking forward to seeing the videos.
Alison x