domenica 17 agosto 2014

My stencils: week 2- Cards galore and giveaway!

Second week with my video tutorials how to use the stencils I designed for Tando Creative. For now, you can find them here: The CraftBarn.
This time is all about cards, I made 4 cards, one with Distress Inks, one with glittering paste, one with misters, and last one with Gelatos. Enjoy!
Seconda settimana di video tutorials su come usare gli stencils disegnati da me per Tando Creative. Li potete trovare qui: The CraftBarn.
Questa volta parliamo di cards, ne ho fatte ben 4, una con i distress inks, la seconda con la pasta glitter, la terza con i miei amati spray, la quarta con i Gelatos.

Italian Version
English Version

Card with Cosmic Misters
 Sparkle medium
 Distress Inks

There's still time to participate on the giveaway, please leave me a comment telling me which stencil is your favourite, and you can have a chance (3 of you!) to win 3 of my stencils for each of you, as long as one of my pouches and a bookmark.
If you like spread the word, I would appreciate it :-)
C'è ancora tempo per il giveaway,  lasciatemi un commento e ditemi qual'è il vostro stencil preferito, tre di voi potrebbero vincerne 3, insieme con la pochette ed un segnalibro.

22 commenti:

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

Congrats on the stencils, wonderful design.
Love all the cards you've created, great colors and backgrounds. The stenciling turns out fab.

Glennis F ha detto...

More lovely examples - they are really nice.
I still like the spiral one too

Chris ha detto...

Hi Gio! I love your new stencils, they are all gorgeous and it would be hard to choose just one but I love the doily shape. Gorgeous video and cards, the colours are so pretty. Have a lovely Sunday. Chris x

Pamela ha detto...

Davvero difficile scegliere in mezzo a queste meraviglie ma, se proprio devo... allora dico "spiral" :-)

Unknown ha detto...

Stavolta vedendo come l'hai utilizzato preferisco lo stencil con la spirale!
Comunque belli tutti :)
Ciao Chiara

Margik ha detto...

Has creado unos stencils bellisimos, te felicito. Las tarjetas te han quedado preciosas. Un gran trabajo como siempre, Gio!
Mar x

Words and Pictures ha detto...

How fantastic, Gio - congratulations on your new stencil line, they're really beautiful! And I love all those colourful cards you created with them - gorgeous work!
Alison xx

Unknown ha detto...

Fantastico il video Gio!!! Le card sono tutti carini!! il mio preferito è Eighties.

Anonimo ha detto...

Gorgeous artwork, love the stencils, my favorite is the eighties, but it was hard t choose, love all :o)

Anonimo ha detto...

Amazing collection of samples using your fabulous new stencil designs.
I like your card with the stencil and stamped bicycle.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Grazie mille per il videotutorial con i tuoi utilissimi tip & tricks!! Sei bravissima e i tuoi stencil sono fantastici!
Io ho già "votato" per il giveaway e incrocio le dita!!

Unknown ha detto...

ma fantastiche queste cards!quanto sei brava e professionale.Mi ha ciolpita in particolare quella con Distress Inks

Unknown ha detto...

ma fantastiche queste cards!quanto sei brava e professionale.Mi ha ciolpita in particolare quella con Distress Inks

Dianne ha detto...

Hello Miss Gio, WOW 4 brilliantly designed cards, using all those different techniques, products, your very own stencils, and I love your stamps, you have become a Designer Extraordinaire, thanks for sharing and always coloring my world, hope you have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS ))).. To pick a stencil, well I love them all but I love dollies so they would have to be the ones I would pick...

Lucy Edmondson ha detto...

I am so excited to see how successful you have become, Gio! Your stencils are beautiful and so versatile. I love the doily! And I love the zipped bags you have been making! Best wishes for your success with your new ventures,

Lucy x

Cocofolies ha detto...

Wow, wow, wow!! The cards are fabulous, like the whole pieces!!!! Absolutely gorgeous work that illustrates wonderfully how versatile and lovely yours masks are, thank you Gio! I love especially the two last ones... And well, the two first ones too lol ;) Hugs, Coco

Craftyfield ha detto...

Love the Doilies and I would choose the 8x8 (so the size is right for 12x12 Scrapbooking) and I also like the spiral.
Lovely of you to make the videos and translate them too!

Alison ha detto...

Such beautiful projects, very inspiring Gio!
Alison xxx

maggie ha detto...

Love the colourful cards you've shown on your video. The doilies have to be my favourite.

Aspiring crafter ha detto...

Hi Gio ,
I love your stencils and my favourite is the doilies the 6x6 one.
I have discovered you from crafty individuals and love your work.
The zip bags are lovely!!

Unknown ha detto...

lanciatissima! complimenti, al solito, progetti davvero belli

Dianne ha detto...

Hello Miss Gio, I have been away, boy I missed you, I LOVE the video watching you work your magic, with all your fabulous new products, it was such a pleasure to hear you talk in your sing song voice, like a bird singing. Every card is fabulous, you color my world... Got lots to get caught up on, exciting :O)..