There's a new italian challenge blog , Scrappin' Sister , created by Melania and Mariella,and the first theme is 'Transgression' or let be inspired from the song 'I want to break free'. This is my interpretation:
Il tema di questo mese su Scrappin'Sister è Trasgressione o farsi ispirare dalla canzone dei Queen 'I want to break free'.
Ho stampato la scritta su una pagina, mentre sull'altra ho incollato l'immagine presa da una rivista. I diversi pezzi di stoffa li ho cuciti, ho poi aggiunto il journaling scritto su dei pezzetti di spartito musicale, sempre avanzi.
For this page I glued the image from a magazine and the journal written on pieces of paper, for the other side I just stamped the title, then I had some fun stitching the fabric pieces all together.
I decided to make an entire ArtJournal made of fabric for this occasion. Of course I'm going to use only leftovers, pieces hanging in my stash for years or months.These are all the pages more blank pages for me !
This is my's said "I'm crazy for useless things" :-)
10 commenti:
mi piace tantissimo e sposo e sottoscrivo la frase finale
this is absolutely fabulous!
Fabulous Gio, love your fabric journal, so many beautiful pages! Thanks for your congrats, I was so happy to see you on Saturday I forgot to tell you, I only told Sandra in the car park just as she was leaving LOL I had a wonderful time and it was even better because you were there, looking forward to seeing you again, Gay xxx
wow bello il tuo artjournaling di stoffa brava...
beautiful pages!!! Thank you for sharing!
I'm still not catching you...but i come closer...(:o)Don't need to say something about your brilliant feel of colours. The third picture from above....the painted lace ..looks stunning.
xoxo Elly
Hai fatto piazza pulita di tutti i tuoi avanzi: brava! LA pagina è assolutamente stupenda!
I'm missing words, wonderful pages.
Another fantastic creation dear Gio = WOW!
Happy Weekend to you and yours
I love the fabric, the colours are so soft. Beautiful Gio!
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