giovedì 17 settembre 2009

Inkurable sea!

For this month's challenge on Inkurable Stampers: Down by the sea!
I started to make a step by step of the matchbox, but after a while I've stopped, I'don't know why. So, these are the first steps:

I cut on a white cardstock a matchbox ATC size:

I put some objects upon it and sprayed glimmer mist yellow, lime and turquoise:

After that, I put a thin layer of gesso, and background is ready.

I glued the image, Botticelli's Venere, transferred on a clear tape, some "real" fake coral pieces, beads, and pieces of mirror. Then, I've stamped the word Art and some starfishes.

After a while, the image of Venere was full of air bubbles...aaaaaargh!

Speaking about Botticelli, a sneak peak from the creation for Italy on Sunday, for next challenge:

Can you guess the theme? Look at the brown embellishment...

11 commenti:

Letizia ha detto...

Bellissima, me che te lo dico a fa'? Mi hai fatto venire soprattutto voglia di avere un gatto!!!!

chiara_francy ha detto...

Io non "ciho capito gnente"... poi mi tradurrai!!!!
Però una cosa mi è abbastanza chiara: la scatola mi piace un sacchissimo!

~*~Magpie's Nest ha detto...

Oh SO lovely, the bubbles do not show .... your kitty kat's tail really made me smile :)
What a nice surprise to be able to read, that is so nice of you!!!
Happy Weekend to you!

Vicky ha detto...

That`s a fabulous entry to IS! Just had to come here & see how you made the matchbox, too cute.
Mi piace tutto :)

Lesley ha detto...

Hello from Canada Gio.
Thank you for visiting my blog and posting a comment on my inchies.
Wow I love your blog. Your matchbook ATC is very creative. Can't wait to see more of your work. Love the cat tail, don't you hate when that happens? =^..^=

Amrita ha detto...

accomodati pure,io intanto ti aggiungo nella lista dei blog aggiornati,così non mi perdo più nulla,e lo so in tmpo reale!;O)

Unknown ha detto...

Bellissima la scatolina ma meravigliosa la coda del tuo gatto sotto il righello.

Roberta ha detto...

Tutto bello, bellissimo!
Però quello che mi piace di più sono i coralli e pezzi di specchio .... li adoro!

Ciao ciao

Eugenia ha detto...

I was in my office reading this, and I just had to laugh loudly at the picture with the kitty's tail. So cute. I have two and I know they want to be on everything, and in the middle of everything : )
Love your artwork, I clicked on this one because the transfer is so seemless. Great job.

Anonimo ha detto...

Si, probabilmente lo e

Anonimo ha detto...

quello che stavo cercando, grazie