lunedì 28 giugno 2021

Two upcycling projects with empty tape rolls


Last weekend, before to go on a short break, I took the plunge and I heavy decluttered my craftroom (I threw away a very large desk, sometimes too many surfaces where to work and hoard stuff are simply not good), so I upcycled some empty tape rolls that I collected over the years. With a bit of gel printing (or even gel prints leftovers) you can make some lovely and sometime useful stuff. 

Since I was still in circus theme mode here the first craft project I've made:


circus3Dcard3circus3Dcard6To make this project I used the new circus embellishments set available in my Etsy shop

And a second craft project, a super simple-to-make and colourful pen holder:




2 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

...Non oso pensare a cosa potresti avere buttato!!! :D :D :D :D LOL
Geniale l'home decor con il circo, stupendo!!! Il portapenne è davvero estivo e solare! Aspetto le altre ispirazioni con i tubi di cartone ;)

Crafty Claire ha detto...

I love the vintage circus feel. It brings back happy memories from childhood. Even though now I realise that often the animals were not well looked after, as a child they were exciting and happy trips to the circus xxx