giovedì 1 luglio 2021

New stencils 'Fabulous Sixties and Icons'


Hello everyone, today I am happy to introduce a new line of stencils, inspired by the fabulous sixties. I didn't planned, it started with the VW van design (made a while ago) and then I just needed to make a matching background and then I couldn't stop. First sample I've made is on a new brand black Bullet Journal: I tried very hard not to buy it, really, but in the end I couldn't resist (let's say to use white pens on regular basis is not a cup of tea). Still, I looooove it!!
BuJoBlack3And here a set of card, very simple, made with just Distress Oxides using the mini trio 'Icons: Audrey, Marylin and Frida'

And these are the new stencils, already available in my Etsy shop

5 commenti:

Cocofolies ha detto...

Fabulous new line, well done, all these new stencils are gorgeous Gio!!! I love Audrey Hepburn! ;-) Great also the one with Peace and Love words and the two cute hippy vans :) And well,the psychedelic circle is fantastic!!! Terrific set, you continue to rock!!!!!
Happy Summer my dear Gio, I wish you lots of success with this new line... and many other fab ideas!

Christine Alexander ha detto...

love your 60's theme, so retro ♥

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Love these...but then I love all your stencils! Great female icons and perfect for projects for my strong fearsome friends xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Fantastici!!! Un'idea geniale dopo l'altra!! :) Adoro tutto, ma soprattutto quei fiori e le icone femminili, davvero stupende!!!
La tua linea di stencils comincia ad essere davvero nutrita ;)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

...E il tuo journal in nero è strepitoso!!!