lunedì 14 giugno 2021

VIdeoTutorial 5 Techniques with GrafixArts: ATC Galore

And today starts a new collaboration with GrafixArts, with a series of video how to use in creative ways their wonderful products, from shrink plastic to new craft materials such as Dura-lar plastic suitable to work with any kind of wet medium and the fabulous Dura-Bright films perfect to make wonderful and super easy fluid art with alcohol ink. So let's start with 5 techniques videos using films and also Grafix chipboard. I hope you enjoy it:
With the masterboards I got in video I've made several ATCs
On black Dura-Bright film and alcohol inks


ATCABlackAlcohol3On gel printed Dura-Lar film with acrylic paints
ATCADuralar2On white Dura-Bright film and alcohol inks
ATCDuraBrightAnd last but not least I had some fun creating a couple of chunky ATCs that I  love, made out of Grafix chipboard:

chunkyATC7_800Those tiny houses are made of Grafix Dura-lar

4 commenti:

Crafty Claire ha detto...

This looks like a really versatile product...which I don't yet have in my craft stash ;-) The colours on the white are really vivid xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Grande Gio!!! Bravissima! Congratulazioni!!!! :) Sembrano prodotti molto eclettici (come te del resto! LOL :D ) Appena ho un attimo di tempo mi godo lo spettacolo!!
Un abbraccio

R's Rue ha detto...

So beautiful. Well done. Have a great day my friend.

Christine Alexander ha detto...

I can't wait to try my Dura-lar on my gelli plate