venerdì 19 febbraio 2021

Video Tutorial: MiniAlbum with Alcohol ink on Fabric

alcoholInkMiniALbum1Welcome back everyone, first post of two today, because I liked so much this technique that I made four of these booklets, a large one and three tiny ones (tomorrow).
Here the video tutorial, 'Alcohol ink on fabric':

This is a technique I discovered a couple of years ago, on the MiniAlbumMakers Challenge blog by Maria , and never forgot about it !
alcoholInkMiniALbum2Stencil 'Leaves Galore' available in my Etsy shop

alcoholInkMiniALbum5Inside some book pages and old gel prints:
alcoholInkMiniALbum9Stencil 'Mandala Tonara' available in my Etsy shop

6 commenti:

Grafx ha detto...

Stunning book Giovanna. Thank you for the tutorial. 🤗 Carol H

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...


Sandma's Handmade Cards ha detto...

These mini albums are beautiful and I love the colours that you've used. The stencilling looks great too x

Christine Alexander ha detto...

Beautiful Gio. I have to try this :)

Cocofolies ha detto...

Just amazing new project, all notebooks are absolutely magnificient Gio, you're a fabulous star!
I've prepared 3 colour wheels like yours teehee... I will share them with you on IG when finished ;-)
The problem with you dear Gio... You make us wish creating immediately some project like the ones you are showing at some time. But you create so quickly... it's impossible to follow you arghhhhh!!!! Lol
A big hug, Ciao!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Beautiful little albums. I rarely use fabric so you've given me something to think about xx