venerdì 12 febbraio 2021

Home decor with PhotoWall


 Hello everyone! A post today slight different from usual, with a bit of home decor that I am really proud of. Lately I've been contacted by a lovely company in Sweden 'PhotoWall', they asked me if I were interested in choosing one of their wonderful product on their website to use in my home and promote here in my blog. I said yes, of course, I already knew I needed a large wall paper for my living room, a bit gloomy and bare. I took my time to peruse amongst the 20'000 wall paper they have in their shop, and in the end I picked a very bold and bright wall paper that I love! It is called 'Verona Street':

wallpaperVerona0The worst part? Dismountle the video intercom, after that everything went smooth:
wallpaperVerona2I took advantage to have a shot at HIM =^.^ = with such a striking backdrop
wallpaperVerona4You can get a discount on the 'PhotoWallwebsite using the code giovanna25 at checkout: this code will give you a 25% discount on any product in their website and is valid for a month. 

6 commenti:

Grafx ha detto...

Stunning 😍

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Ma che spettacolo il nuovo look del tuo ingresso! E la prima foto con il tuo micio che guarda in su verso il campanile è una vera chicca... :D

Cocofolies ha detto...

Oooh that's great! :D
Your wall (and this wallpaper, fantastic) are very beautiful and well, out of the box now perfect for you I think ;-) much more than before!
And what a lovely photo at the end dear Gio, grazie :-)

Christine Alexander ha detto...

so cool :)

Michèle Hastings ha detto...

So bright and colorful!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

That wall is absolutely stunning. I imagine you feel happy just standing near it as it radiates energy xxx