mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020

Hand-made Midori with Colourful Leaves

MidoriLeavesLately I've been slight obsessed with the stencil I designed a while ago 'Leaves Galore', I use it everywhere and I have a growing collection of backgrounds made with it, mainly gel printed or made with Distress Oxides. Well, what to do with them? A Midori with matching handmade notebooks of course!
MidoriLeaves2The back cover is made with Ranger Resist spray and Distress Oxide (here a short process video)
MidoriLeaves3On the left I sponged Distress Oxide through the stencil, on the right I gel printed with archival ink pads.
MidoriLeaves6Stencil available in my Etsy store :-)

5 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Ci credo che ne sei ossessionata, le tue foglie sono strepitose!!! E che colori questa midori!!!! Magica Gio!!
Un abbraccione!

Christine Alexander ha detto...

Beautiful Gio, love those leaves are so pretty and versatile :)

Cocofolies ha detto...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!
I need this stencil too, of course! :)
Ok I'm going to look at the shop and send you soon my list and payment my dearest Gio ;-)
A big hug!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Gorgeous stencil and so useful as a whole or in parts xx

Crafty Claire ha detto...

I love this stencil it's such a beautiful design it looks stunning on every project xx