martedì 28 gennaio 2020

Video Tutorial: 'Love to Love'

Hello everyone! This week's post is all about hearts, because the February stencil is already out and to celebrate the month of love it is called 'Love to Love'. It is pretty versatile, so I thought the best way to show it was to make a video tutorial '1 Stencil 5 Ways':
The stencil come with a large Mylar one and 6 kraft cardstock elements, with these I created a romantic pendant (above) and a couple of funky earrings:
I created in no time a set of colourful gel printed tags
A set of lovely embellishments to make cards or decorate a Midori
A home decor piece! Made out of a wooden box and corrugated cardstock:
And last but not least a couple of MixedMedia tags
I think this fits perfectly on the latest challenge Simon Says: All Loved Up 

Stencil set 'Love to Love' available in my Etsy shop:

5 commenti:

Christine Alexander ha detto...

wonderful mixed media techniques, Gio I love all the inspiration:)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Giusto giusto per S Valentino, sei sempre mitica!!! :D Bellissimi e versatilissimi questi nuovi stencils!!!
Youtube subito per vedere come hai realizzato tutte queste opere d'arte!!

নদী কল গার্ল ইমু সেক্স সার্ভিস নাম্বার ০১৭১০৪৬৯৪৫০ Dhaka Bangladesh call girls 01710469450 nodi khan ফোন সেক্স ৫০০টাকা & ইমু সেক্স ১০০০ টাকা কাজ করলে বিকাশ করে কল দেন WhatsApp-number 01710469450 ha detto...
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নদী কল গার্ল ইমু সেক্স সার্ভিস নাম্বার ০১৭১০৪৬৯৪৫০ Dhaka Bangladesh call girls 01710469450 nodi khan ফোন সেক্স ৫০০টাকা & ইমু সেক্স ১০০০ টাকা কাজ করলে বিকাশ করে কল দেন WhatsApp-number 01710469450 ha detto...
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Crafty Claire ha detto...

Really versatile not just for Valentine's Day! I especially like the little soar stencil xxx