martedì 30 luglio 2019

Video Tutorial:Dripping RainbowBackground with Visible Image

Hello everyone, today is all about rainbows! I wanted to ink the Visible Image stamp Creative Chaos, and it inspired me a colourful background and a unusual umbrella. And since I made even a video tutorial, with the second background I created a lovely vase with flowers.
Ben ritrovate a tutte, oggi il post è tutto un arcobaleno! Adoro questo bellissimo timbro della Visible Image Creative Chaos e non vedevo l'ora di usarlo: mi ha ispirato un arcobaleno, uno strano ombrello ed un vaso di fiori. Qui il video, facilissimo, per creare lo sfondo:


8 commenti:

Mia ha detto...

Absolutely amazing projects, Gio!!!!!!!! A HUGE THANK YOU for the gorgeous tutorial!!!!!!!!!! It seems very easy and I will definitely try this technique. Hugs.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Ooohhhh.... Bellissimi sfondi, sembrano fatti lasciando colare i brushos, mi pare.... Vado subito a vedere il video!!!! :D I timbri sono meravigliosi, i sentiments pure e che bella idea l'ombrello/fiore!!!

Christine Alexander ha detto...

Gio, I love the loose artsy effect with the dripping water colours, I have to try this :)

Sab_myart ha detto...


Gerrina ha detto...

Both are so beautiful and elegant! Love that drip-rainbowtechnique...have to try that myself... Hugs, Gerrina

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Beautiful cards. I've tried this before but never thought to turn the drips to be horizontal!xx

Words and Pictures ha detto...

That's a great technique - I've done it in art journals, but always with my blues and browns - it's so gorgeous with your rainbow colours!
Alison x

Sylvie Collet ha detto...

Gorgeous cards!!!! big bisous