giovedì 28 marzo 2019

Colourful Gel Printed Mini Album with Mandala chipboards

Well, I loved so much the gel printed pop-up book (here the post and tutorial about it) that I made a new, smaller one in no time! In tis one, instead of the hand-made mandala stencils I used a new item that I sell in the my Etsy shop, the mini set of mandala chipboards made out of heavy kraft cardstock.
It is funny, because these became a best seller, but I made this set in the first place just out of a wrong purchase on Amazon (the seller changed the article and they refused for the second time to get it back). This cardstock is so thick I cannot put it in my printer and I cannot even fold it properly, but hey, they work magic under a laser beam! So grab a coffee and enjoy this minialbum (if you are bored of so many photos, I understand, there's a  flip video on my Instagram):

Ed il mini album gellato con i pop-up mi è piaciuto così tanto che ho deciso subito di farne una mini versione! Questa volta ho usato un nuovo prodotto che vendo nel mio shop Etsy, il set di mandala di cartoncino kraft: questo si è rivelato un best seller, ma in realtà l'idea è nata da un acquisto sbagliato su Amazon ( il venditore ha cambiato il prodotto e per la seconda volta si è rifiutato di riprenderselo), il cartoncino era così spesso che nella stampante non andava ed era pure difficile da piegare, ma al taglio laser..una meraviglia! Quindi godetevi il mio nuovo e coloratissimo minialbum  e per le coraggiose c'e'una piccola sorpresa alla fine :-)
A foldable paper doll!! OH-YESS :-)
Una bambolina di carta ripiegabile, si si! :-)
 E la gonna? 
What about the skirt! A mandala chipboard covered with foil tape
The little pocket hold a thank you tag
La taschina contiene una tag di ringraziamento
Mini mini lace sockets (well, I cut dozens of paper dolls to test the design)
Vogliamo parlare dei mini calzini di pizzo?
One of my favourite design so far, 'Lady Giulietta'
I think this one fits with the latest challeng over at Simon says stamp blog: Play with Paint

And only for the brave ones who read all this post:
E per chi è arrivato coraggiosamente fino a qui : 


12 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

....No dai...!!! ...Pure la bambolina di carta ripiegabile con il gonnellino-mandala!!!! :D Sei il pozzo delle meraviglie! :D Gellata e con gli inserti in pizzo!!! :D I calzini sono adorabili!!
Bellissimo mini book, la tua creatività lascia sempre a bocca aperta!!!

Gerrina ha detto...

That skirt made of the mandela is stunning! What a great and fun idea! And as allways; I love the bright colours... Enjoy your weekend!

Cocofolies ha detto...

I've just ordered some more missing mandala stencils, both to help you selling these essential craft items designed and made by you with all your heart, and to help me doing my classes. i.e. for my students and for myself, well, just because I LOVE them to bits!!!
And oh... a bit sad because I missed probably a good offer to us, your best readers ;-))
But no regret, don't worry... I will be more than happy with my order Gio :) Happy week-end <3

Cocofolies ha detto...

Well, forgot to say that your mini album with all your chipboards and 'must have' stencils is just so clever and really FABULOUS!!!!
Well done my dear Gio :-) Bises :))))

cheiron ha detto...

Beautiful album, love the colors and the repetition of the doily shape throughout! Thank you so much for playing along with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog this week :)

sarascloset ha detto...

Beautiful mini album! I love the way you've dressed the doll, especially the lace bodice and how you've folded it. The mandala chipboards are such a great touch, and what a happy ordering mistake! Love all your stencil work on the pages! Happy Sunday!

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

Love your fantastic mini album! The colors and all the embellishments are awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

Emagine ha detto...

Wow your mini album is so exquisite.I loved the beautiful usage of the mandalas. The paper doll is wonderful!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

You are so imaginative. I love the paper doll and would never have thought of putting one in a mini album xxx

sarascloset ha detto...

I'm back to say congratulations on your WELL DESERVED Spotlight at SSS! I'm so happy for you!

lynda ha detto...

What a little work of art!

Anonimo ha detto...

Woԝ that was odd. I just wrote an extremеly long commdnt but ater I clicқed submit my comment didn't show up.
Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. Anywаys, just
wanted to say superƄ bⅼog!