giovedì 14 marzo 2019

VideoTutorial: GelliArts® Gel Printed Pop-Up book with handmade Mandala stencils

Hello to everyone! Today I have a video tutorial up on GelliArts® blog: let's say this is one of my fave project ever because my new line of stencils came from this very minialbum! In the video I show you  how to make hand-made Mandala stencils and at the end I explain how to bring them to life  in a very pop-up album. Curious? Have a look here :-)
Ed oggi mi potete trovare con un video tutorial sul blog della GelliArts: questo è in assoluto uno dei miei progetti preferiti, visto che da questo video è nata l'idea della mia nuova linea di stencils.  Nel video spiego come realizzare i mandala stencils a mano e poi renderli dinamici all' interno di un vero pop-up book! Se siete curiose qui il video :-)


You can find my new line of stencils in my Etsy shop.
Potete trovare la mia nuova linea di stencils nel mio shop Etsy:

With this I participate on MiniAlbumMakers challenge blog.

7 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Super Gio, sei irrefrenabile!!! :D :D Questa è un'altra idea favolosa e adoro i pop up! Bellissimo!
Curiosa??? Che domande... :D Come non esserlo?? :D

Immi ha detto...

Another wonderful project! Thank you for sharing your ideas so generously!

Maria Lillepruun ha detto...

Woow, love it! The pop up effect is very cool! Thanks for sharing it with us at Mini Album Makers!

Redanne ha detto...

Gio, first of all, congratulations on your stencil release!

Your mini album is gorgeous, your mandalas are beautiful and I just love those pop up elements you added. I love the cover too. Thanks so much for joining in with us at Mini Album Makers this month. Anne x

Beulah Bee ha detto...

I like these new stencil designs very much.

Crafty Claire ha detto...

The combination of colours and patterns is gorgeous, can't help but lift the spirits xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations ha detto...

What an incredible piece Gio I love how you have used your stencil to create those pop up dimensions. So clever in creation. Thanks so much for sharing this unique design with us over at Mini Album Makers and huge congrats on your stencil release!!
Creative wishes Tracey (DT)