martedì 26 agosto 2014

CraftStamper magazine: Take it, Make it!

I'm very happy because there's a card (!!) of mine on the September issue of my favourite craft magazine:
Sono molto felice di avere una card fatta da me pubblicata sulla mia rivista cratf preferita, nel numero di Settembre :-):

Sometimes I struck with some artworks I see in this magazine, and in February I had the chance to play a little bit, so I altered a tea box inspired by a beautiful project by Ellen Schrik, "Full Steam Ahead". So I 'd like to participate on the latest  August Challenge,"Inspired by".
Molte volte vedo dei progetti stupendi su questa rivista, e ramente ho tempo di lasciarmi ispirare, ma a Febbraio 2014 non ho potuto resistere.
Ho alterato una scatolina del tè ispirata dall'articolo: Full Steam Ahead scritto da Ellen Schrik:
I love the use of the straw as a handle!

25 commenti:

Daniele ha detto...

congratulations on being published Gio
well done x

Pamela ha detto...

Complimenti!!!! :-)
E la scatolina del the è bellissima... mi piace un sacco!

Immi ha detto...

Cool box!

Candy C ha detto...

Gio...huge congratulations on being published!!! That is fantastic. I'm not surprised as your work is always wonderful! I also wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. Your altered little box is adorable! Love the metal handle! <3 Candy

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Bellissima scatolina del the!!! Merita davvero di essere pubblicata, congratulazioni!!
Il favoloso coperchio mi ricorda le mie sperimentazioni con i coperchi delle teglie di alluminio.... mi confermi che è lo stesso materiale?
E poi ho capito bene, il manico è una cannuccia???

Gio ha detto...

SI, il manico è una cannuccia colorata, e il materiale sul coperchio è scotch metallico, si trova nelle ferramenta!

Unknown ha detto...

bella con questo color ruggine dominante

Little Artbee ha detto...

La tua Scatolina del Te`è molta bella. Un grande Vintage Look.Mi piacciono molto e le tue altre opere d'arte anche. Grazie per la tua commento a mia Blog.
Tanti saluti

Anonimo ha detto...

Congratulations on another publication Gio, richly deserved.
Beautiful use of the fabulous Oxford Impressions stamps on your altered tea caddy.

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

Congratulations on being published. Wonderful pieces again.

Jenny ha detto...

I LOVE your altered tea box Gio... gorgeous colors and stamping... and big congrats on being published...

Jenny X

Unknown ha detto...

Complimenti Gio!!! Bellissima la scatolina del te!!! mi piace il colore che ai combinato.

Robi ha detto...

Tra ferie e impegni vari era un po' che non passavo a sbirciare... caspita ma quanto brava sei? Complimenti, sei un vulcano di creatività e arte!
Buona giornata

Ana K. ha detto...

Congratulations on being published well deserved!
The little tea box looks so beautiful...amazing finished look!

Alison ha detto...

What a beautiful transformation!
I love your tea box Gio, and congratulations on being published!
Alison xxx

Kezzy ha detto...

Oh wow a huge congrats for being published, it's my favourite mag. Your box is truly stunning, so beautifully vintage, love it. Kezzy :-) xxx

Sylvie Collet ha detto...

Congratulations Gio!!!!!! I've seen your beautiful card in the Craft Stamper!
I love your tea box too! good luck for the challenge!

Linda ha detto...

Your altered tea box is just adorable .... thank you for joining in with the Take It Make It challenge .... good luck! Linda xx

Dianne ha detto...

Congratulations, I'm so proud of you, now more of the world can see your amazing art work, you will color everyone's world, your tea box has become a gorgeous bucket with the fabulous straw handle, that was brilliant, love the lid and the sides are decorated perfectly, love the bulb, the vintage color scheme is wonderful, have a wonderful week Miss Designer, have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS)))..

Renee ha detto...

Congrats on being published! Your little tea box is lovely. Thanks so much for joining us at the Take It Make It Challenge.

ElizabethR ha detto...

Love your tea box and well done on being published. Thanks for joining us at the Take It Make It Challenge. Elizabeth x

Tracy ha detto...

Congratulations:-) loving your altered tin! Thanks for joining us at the Take it Make it challenge xxx

Trish Latimer ha detto...

Gorgeous! Thank you for playing along with the Craft Stamper Blog Challenge this month! xxx

Elina Stromberg ha detto...

Beautiful! You really master both colors and textures! Love it!

Cocofolies ha detto...

Congrats too Gio!!!! I was also very happy to discover your lovely card in this issue of Craft Stamper when I read it! ;)
And I love your box of course, fantastic wow!!! Your handle is great and very clever, I will try to keep this idea in mind as I have the same supplies haha. :) Hugs, Coco xx