domenica 24 agosto 2014

My stencils: week 3- Art Journal and giveaway!

Third week on my video tutorials how  to use the stencils I designed for Tando Creative! This time is about ArtJournaling. For now, you can find them here: The CraftBarn.
La terza settimana di video su come usare i miei stencil  disegnati per Tando Creative è sull'ArtJournaling. Per adesso potete trovare i miei stencils qui: The CraftBarn.
Italian Version
English version
Ed un'altra paginetta sul mio libro alterato, nata da un errore...avevo fatto cucito e finito una pochette, quando decido di colorare le labbra alla Frida, vi lascio immaginare come è finita :-)
Another little AJ page, it comes from a mistake, I just created, stamped and sewn  a pouches, when I decided to colour the lips of Frida, you can guess how it ended, so I cut the piece of fabric and used on my altered book...:-)
I participate on ArtJournal Journey, a month dedicated to Frida!

There's still time to participate on the giveaway, please leave me a comment telling me which stencil is your favourite, and you can have a chance (3 of you!) to win 3 of my stencils for each of you, as long as one of my pouches and a bookmark.
If you like spread the word, I would appreciate it :-)
C'è ancora tempo per il giveaway, lasciatemi un commento e ditemi qual'è il vostro stencil preferito, tre di voi potrebbero vincerne 3, insieme con la pochette ed un segnalibro.

24 commenti:

Valerie-Jael ha detto...

Lots of beautiful work, great idea with the Frida page, thanks for sharing at AJJ! Valerie

Unknown ha detto...

che bravura ragazzi!ho messo mi piace al tuo video che mi piace anche per come spieghi, passo a passo senza fretta,è molto chiaro. Trovo molto bello il Doili

Chris ha detto...

Fantastic work Gio, wonderful effects with your stencils and the colours! X

Unknown ha detto...

Come sempre wow :)

Stecil preferiti i soliti 2
spirali e i fiorellini :)

Ciao Chiara

~*~Patty S ha detto...

Dear Gio ~♥~ What a delight to spend time with you creating...wonderful video to watch AND to listen to!
Thank you very much for doing the video in two languages (you are amazing!!!).
Your page turned out absoluteLY fabulous and you saved the day with your heART correction too!
All of your stencils are so lovely...who could chose just one...

~*~Patty S ha detto...

Fabulous Frida too!
I am a fan of the butterfly on the mouth :-)

froebelsternchen ha detto...

Your stencils are just fab Gio!
Congrats on this!
What an adorable Frida spread for Art Journal Journey?!
Thnk you so much and welcome to the Art Journal Journey tour group Gio! So happy to have you with us!
I am now off to watch the video!
This vodka page is sooo cool-LOL!

Immi ha detto...

I'm enjoying seeing all the great ways of using your stencils.

Little Artbee ha detto...

Great pages with nice stencils. I like it!

Anonimo ha detto...

Beautiful AJ pages using your new stamps and stencil designs.

Jenny ha detto...

Oh I LOVE LOVE your new stencils... and your work is gorgeous.... thank you so much for sharing your beautiful videos.... I love them all but I think my favourite is the Spiral.... and the Eighties <)

Jenny X

Birgit ha detto...

Your stamp sets and stencils are really fabulous. Especially the Frida stamp you used on this beautiful journal pages. Love the girl with glasses stencil too.

I Sogni di Silvia ha detto...

Gio sei davvero bravissima! Mi piace davvero il tuo stile! I miei stancils preferiti sono Alphabet, profile e spiral. Grazie per l'opportunità! :-)

Cocofolies ha detto...

Fantastic pages Gio! Love, love this!!! Hugs from my last week of vacation, happily work has well progressed before leaving! ;)

Cocofolies ha detto...

Love the video too, great sample with the hearts ans the alphabet!!

Cazzy ha detto...

Beautiful work Gio, I really love the Eighties stencil, and second the spiral, but they are all great.

Cazzy x

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gio mi piace il tuo video, gli ho visto tutti!!! Per me i tuoi lavori sono adorabili!!!
tutti gli stencil sono belli, quella di piú EIGHTIES.

Unknown ha detto...

Il mio preferito è SPIRAL. Ho scoperto oggi il tuo blog. Vado a vedere i video!

Daniela ha detto...

Una Frida versione "Il silenzio degli innocenti" praticamente...beh, geniale ;) ! Mi ero persa la precedente puntata giveaway forse ero al mare...comunque dico spiral parimerito con eighties ma solo proprio perché devo scegliere! Un abbraccio e come sempre super (peccato, non riesco a vedere il video per il momento dal cell...rimedierò!). Daniela

Kezzy ha detto...

Oh wow wow wow absolutely awesome amazing creations and your new Stencils are a must, I so need to buy them lol. Kezzy :-) xxx

Sylvie Collet ha detto...

Lovely creations with fantastic stencils!!!!!!

Dianne ha detto...

HHMM pick a favorite nope to hard, love them all, it was a brilliant video, incorporating any mistakes perfectly, I do a lot of those :),the colors, the depth you create is amazing, you are a wonderful teacher, and I know I'll take a class with you one day, it's on my bucket list, okay if I absolutely had to pick one, I'm a dolie girl, that would be the one it's so pretty,thanks for your generous heart...

Margik ha detto...

Bellisimas paginas de arte, Gio! Me encanta tu interpretación de Frida, los colores y la composición.
Todos los stencils son magnificos, pero en especial me gusta Eighties.
Mar x

Marjie Kemper ha detto...

Gio! Congratulations on your stencil designwork. How very exciting! Hope you've had a lovely summer.