mercoledì 11 agosto 2021

VideoTutorial: 70' Faux Midori with GrafixArts


Hello everyone! Today I show you my second post and video in collaboration with GrafixArts: two lovely faux Midori made from scratch out of sturdy Grafix chipboard and Grafix shrink plastic:

midorigrafixGiovanna2I love how the shrinken embellishments turned out!

midorigrafixGiovanna92And inside:



4 commenti:

Crafty Adventurista ha detto...

Looks fabulous Giovanna. Love the colours 😊

Crafty Claire ha detto...

These are really lovely. I'm a bit young to remember the 60s and flower power but these definitely bring it to mind xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Che belliiiii!!!! :D Mi ricordano un'epoca in cui ero giovane, ribelle e spensierata! :) I ciondoli con gli shrinks sono deliziosi!!!
Vado subito a vedermi il video
un abbraccione

Cocofolies ha detto...

As I'm not sure about your ability to read my messages on your Youtube channel (sorry, I really don't know why they dissapear!), here my message again teehee:
I adore your new Midori notebooks Gio!!!!!! Note "faux" at all in my opinion ;-D And your stencil and colours are so lovely! Feeling well and lighter after watching, and before starting working a bit if I can, on my boring site update... :-( So, thank you for the good start today at last! :)
Just a question: where did you find all your Grafix materials?? Did you receive some free stuff, or ordered directly on their site? Or Amazon?? And are they really strong?
Thank you, and good luck for the heat today again I guess.. It's soooooo hot I know, not good for making art or anything a long time sadly.
A big big hug,