giovedì 29 luglio 2021

Video Tutorial: Image Transfer on Fabric Fornasetti Mini Pillows

transferimageFornasetti1Hello everyone! Welcome back with a new video and a technique that I didn't use for years, still very fascinating. I transferred laser copy image with gesso and gel medium and created a bunch of colourful and unique mini lavender pillows (finally, after several failed attempts I have two small plants of lavender in my garden :-)). So here we are:

Add lace, buttons, ribbon, whatever you like:


3 commenti:

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Che stupendi!!! Anche io ho la lavanda, ma mi dimentico sempre di raccoglierla prima che sfiorisca...
Vado a vedermi il video! Grazie!!!
Sono molto rattristata per i fuochi in Sardegna! Stringe il cuore :(((

craftytrog ha detto...

These are beautiful Gio!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

These are really great- cute, fun and arty. I admire your patience and determination to get a perfect end result xxx