Hello and welcome back! Over the next weeks I will be showcasing my Advent Calendar made out of 25 mini stencils that I put on sale in mid October in my Etsy shop. You can follow the day by day unveiling on my Instagram accont. So, with no further ado:
Day11: Vintage Phone
3 commenti:
Non ci posso credere, anche un minilibro a forma di cupcake!! :D Stupendo!! Bellissimi nuovi mini stencils, il lucky cat è simpaticissimo e i bordi molto eleganti!! Adorabile il telefono vintage, con la pasta rende davvero bene! E che belle le tags con il nuovo sentiment!!
so much fun and so much inspiration XXXX
An awesome collection of stencils...and I am the lucky owner of all of them! Loving the advent calendar and can't wait for Christmas to be over and have time to just play around xx
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