lunedì 21 settembre 2020

Video Tutorial: Altered Cassette Tape and new stencils 'Wild and Free'!

cassettetape1Hello everyone! Third video in a row dedicated to the launch of the my new stencil release, and thrid video about upcycling: this time I jumped into the eighties and revamped an old cassette tape. Inside there's a minialbum, gel printed of course, but in the end is the cover that I like most, made with alcohol inks and stencils.
If you are curious and maybe want to have a try, in case you have one or more of these cassette at home, here the video tutorial from start to finish:

I made the pages out of a gel printed masterboard, this time I used archival ink on the Gelli® plate instead of the usual acrylic paint:
cassettetape9And the back cover:
 And here the stencils I used in the video, already available in my Etsy shop:

3 commenti:

Christine Alexander ha detto...

so cool, I wonder if I have old tapes around :)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Non ci posso credere, hai riciclato ed alterato le mitiche cassette!!!! :D Idea geniale!!! Spettacolare minialbum!!! Le tue carte gellate e gli stencils sono perfetti per le pagine!

Crafty Claire ha detto...

This is such a genius idea. I don't have any tapes so I will have to rummage around charity shops to see what I can find xxx