martedì 26 febbraio 2019

VideoTutorial: Gelprinted Grunge MiniAlbum with GelliArts®

Questo album 'grungioso' è nato da una mattinata di esperimenti col gelli plate: provavo la tecnica del peeling paint della Birgit Koopsen (qui il video su GelliArts®), ma a me non veniva, quindi prova e riprova, ecco la mia versione rivisitata con un tocco metallizzato, le favolose paste Texture della DecoArt: 
This grunge minialbum came from a morning of experiments with gelli plate: I was trying the peeling paint technique by  Birgit Koopsen, a little bit unsuccessful, so after a while I came with my own version, with a touch of metallic due to the DecoArt Texture Metallic paint. At the end of the gel printing session I had so many prints that the only way to use all of them was to make a minialbum. In the video I also show you how to create the cover and make the binding. Enjoy!

Avevo questo pacco da 100 di buste e card bianche e alla fine ne avevo gellate cosi tante che non potevo che raccoglierle in un minialbum, nel video anche la spiegazione della rilegatura:
The inner pages are just envelopes and matching cards, I have this 100 pieces pack for years...



Sul mio profilo Instagram  potete sfogliare virtualmente l'intero album.
On my Instagram  feed you can watch a flip video.

With this I participate on MiniAlbumMakers challenge blog.

10 commenti:

Pamela ha detto...

Bellissimo... adoro la copertina *_*

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Ooohhhh.... Io non vado pazza per il grunge, ma questo.... lo adoro!!! :D :D Che merviglia!!! Fantastiche buste e card gellate e che bella la base !!!

Christine Alexander ha detto...

Gio, so beautiful, I love the grunge look :)

Lucy Edmondson ha detto...

This is gorgeous, Gio, i love it!

Lucy x

Cocofolies ha detto...

Brilliant project Gio, I love this too!!!!!

craftytrog ha detto...

Brilliant!!! I love it Gio! xx

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Lovely - you make grunge so pretty! xxx

Craftyfield ha detto...

I love the colours of these prints and the upcycling of that humble piece of cardboard is impressive! Great work Gio!

Inna Bronnikova ha detto...

Wow This is just great! Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us at Mini Album Makers this month!

Jackie PN ha detto...

This great Gio!
Your creativity never ends! I had to laugh ,how you said you had so many sheets after playing that you had to make something! Good for you and for us that you turned these into such a cool mini album!
Thanks for making the video to share! hugs,Jackie xx