lunedì 1 ottobre 2018

VideoTutorial: PouringArt on Leather with DecoArt Stylin

As I mentioned in a post before (VideoTutorial: A PouringArt set of coaster with DecoArt Pouring Medium) lately I got hooked by PouringArt. But since I am not a canvas type artist I tried to find a different surfaces where to apply this wonderful technique. I had some leather leftovers, so the first project that came across my mind was a couple of Midori with matching notebook, of course! Well, PouringArt is easy, fun, addictive, and the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the video :-)
Quest'estate sono irrimediabilmente caduta nel gorgo della PouringArt (qui il mio primo video), ma non essendo io una da quadri o grandi lavori in generale, ho voluto provare a fare delle Midori, copertina e quaderni. Avendo della pelle a disposizione ho sperimentato con i colori Stylin della DecoArt ed il loro pouring medium. In due parole ....una figata! :-)

Love this color combination and I applied the PouringArt technique also to the buttons:
Per andare sul sicuro, i colori freddi sono quelli che danno un risultato migliore secondo me, ed ho decorato anche i bottoni:
With the leftover paint (no wasted paint at all) I covered some cardboard, cut and  adhere them to kraft cardstock to create the notebook covers
Con il colore rimasto nei bicchierini ho colorato del cartoncino di recupero, con cui ho decorato i mini quaderni:
The blue one is fabolous ( I used the swipe technique showed in the video)
Il blu è meraviglioso!


3 commenti:

Jackie PN ha detto...

Wow Gio!
You are a genius!! What a great way to use the pouring technique! These journals and cards are simply brilliant! Those oh my they amaze me!
Hugs,Jackie xx

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Wow - you've achieved some really great effects with the pouring medium, and the way you've used the panels to decorate the notebooks is so clever. Fabulous inspiration post, thank you.
Alison x

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Interested to see how it sticks to the leather over time. Wonder if it will lift off after a while? Really lovely books. Xx