lunedì 21 dicembre 2015

Tutorial: A Christmas card from an upcycled children book

For the new theme at the IndigoBlu challenge blog, 'All that Sparkles' I upcycled a children book to make a 3D Christmas card:
Per il nuovo tema sul blog della IndigoBlu questa volta ho riciclato un libro per bambini e ne ho fatto una card tridimensionale. Ancora glitter!
To make this 3D card cut out the round opening through all the pages
Ho tagliato l'apertura su tutte le pagine 
Cover the first and last page with a patterned paper
Ricoperto con delle carte copertina e sfondo
Paint lightly with gesso
Leggermente dipinto con gesso
Stamp the building and the trees
Stampato gli alberi e la città
To stamp with the gold leaf, put some Flitter glue on a piece of foam and ink the stamp with it
Per stampare con la foglia oro mettere la colla speciale su una spugnetta e tamponare il timbro
Pour the mega flakes on the stamped image and brush with a soft paintbrush
Rovesciare la foglia oro e spazzolare con un pennellino
Study a composition of the stamped image
Pensare ad una composizione
Stamp again with the flutter glue 
Inchiostrare di colla il timbro fiocchi di neve
And cover with glitter
Stampare e ricoprire con glitter
Glue all the elements and add a piece of stamped acetate on the last page as a background.
Incollare gli elementi, stampare su acetato e incollarlo sull'ultima pagina.

The fabulous winner’s prize this month is your choice of IndigoBlu stamps. As always, you have 3 options to choose from:
1: 2 Large stamp plates or
2: 4 Small stamp plates or
3: 1 Large and 2 small plates

13 commenti:

Immi ha detto...

Lovely project! This would make a special gift.

Crafty Claire ha detto...

Very pretty and a great idea to give those old children's books a new life.

suzieq23 ha detto...

where is the city stamp from? Very pretty and creative art project. I have collected a few children's books like this and will give them a new life.

rachel ha detto...

awesome work gio. love this to pieces. have a brilliant christmas. hugs rachel x

Cocofolies ha detto...

Oooh, this is fab Gio!!!!
Great composition for this recycled child book!!! and I love the way you have used and played with your flitter glue and some gilding flakes for a bit of sparkling among more traditionnal stamped images. A brilliant idea for an even more brilliant result!!! :)
Bises!! Coco

craftytrog ha detto...

This is absolutely magical Gio, a wonderful project and tutorial!
Alison xx

Analia Cristina ha detto...

Bellissimo lavoro,e molto ben spiegato!!!Tanti auguri di Buon Natale,quest'anno mi mancherai!!Un forte abbraccio dalla lontana Italia!

maj. ha detto...

Fantastic work, Gio. Just gorgeous!!!

Merry Christmas to you!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Che favoloso effetto 3D!! Nessuno si accorgerebbe mai che era un libro per bambini!!!Bellissima scena
Buon Natale!!!

Gio ha detto...

@suzieq23 the stamp I used is Snow Globe by IndigoBlu :-)

Linn ha detto...

Love love love this

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

Hope you had a lovely Christmas time Gio xx

SewPaperPaint ha detto...

What a delightful project! It's been a long time since I altered a board book and this makes me want to dive back in! Thanks for the gorgeous inspiration. You've honored these stamps with your beautiful creation! The touch of glitter really makes this a holiday project to cherish! I LOVE IT! I've just ordered my first IGB stamps and flakes - eek! Can't wait to play along. :)