venerdì 4 settembre 2015

Pizza e Newsletter!

First Friday of the month, new challenge at TIMI, and we are also celebrating the new, beautiful graphic of the magazine. I also have a card of mine on this issue, can't wait to have a copy on my hands. The theme is simple...any stamped image, read those few simple rules and you can have a chance to win a lovely stamp and 2 stencils from the sponsor Stamploration.
Upcycling project for me, this time my poor victims has been 4 frozen pizza boxes! You can find the tutorial on my latest newsletter:
Primo venerdì del mese e nuovo challenge sul blog di CraftStamper magazine, dove il tema è qualsiasi cosa stampata! E' facile partecipare, solo poche regole e si puo vincere un set di timbri della
Un progetto di riciclo per me, questa volta le mie vittime sono state le scatole delle pizze surgelate, grazie Buitoni! Serata invernale preferita? Pizza surgelata davanti a Masterchef! (lo so, sembra un insulto :-))
Ho anche fatto il tutorial ma vista la lunghezza ne ho fatto un ebook, lo trovate sull'ultimo numero della mia newsletter! Se non siete già iscritte, qui il form:


13 commenti:

Words and Pictures ha detto...

I saw these amazing converted pizza boxes on the newsletter earlier - fabulous inspirational recycling, Gio - wow!
Alison xx

Linda ha detto...

Wow! What a fabulous piece of recycling ..... I love it!! xx

Shilpa Nagaonkar ha detto...

Fabulous alterations again Gio ..lovely mixed media work

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Wow!!! Che favolosa cassettiera!!! Devo assolutamente leggermi il tutorial nella tua newsletter!!! Sono piena di scatole della pizza Buitoni, ne avrò almeno una ventina nel mio scaffale del cartone di riciclo :D :D

craftytrog ha detto...

This looks amazing Gio! You're a very clever lady!
Off to find your newsletter in my emails ;-)
Alison xx

Juliz Design Post ha detto...

Fantastic alteration and mixed media project. Gives a whole new meaning to pizza boxes.
Julie x

Karen ha detto...

I get so excited when I see your work in Craft Stamper! And I see you have something in the next issue too......Well done my friend!!!!!! I love the tutorial on the Pizza Boxes :D xxx

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

Wow.. this is such a gorgeous creation, Gio. The colors and textures are amazing. :)

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

Oh my goodness. Genius Gio. Bravo!!

Candy C ha detto...

Gio, Gio! Girl, you have got it going on! These completely altered pizza boxes look NOTHING like pizza boxes! Genius! What a beautiful job of altering and creating something useful and beautiful out of trash! Lov ethe colors, the tissue tape trim, the black shadows around your lettering, etc. These are just so cool! I also wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! <3 Candy

Barbara ha detto...

over the top! posso dire solo questo! Barbarayaya

Sylvie Collet ha detto...

As always, fabulous idea and great work!!!!! I love this (or these)pizza box!!!!!

Cocofolies ha detto...

Sorry for the late visit and comment Gio, you guess that it's not easy for me in at the moment to watch at all my friend's new art and creative works... But your pizza box is so fabulous!!! Great idea of recycling, and once again the result is simply breathtaking! I love the texture and all the work on it, wonderful.
Big hugs, happy week-end ahead, be creative! :) Coco