lunedì 6 luglio 2015

New CraftyIndividuals Challenge: Face Value

The lovely and uber-talented Flo has chosen the new theme at the CraftyIndividuals blog, that it is "Face Value". A good excuse to use the stamps I designed for CI, the Frida Dreaming CI-418:
Nuovo challenge sul blog della CraftyIndividuals dove il tema, scelto dalla bravissima Flo, è 'Il valore di un viso'. Ne ho approfittato per usare i timbri disegnati da me per la CraftyIndividuals, Frida Dreaming CI-418:
For the first time I decided to add a body to this pretty face, and I really liked how it turned out. I even found out that the neck was too long! (you can see the double lines of the left shoulder)
Per la prima volta ho deciso di disegnare un corpo da aggiungere al timbro, mi piace molto il risultato, e così mi sono accorta che il collo era troppo lungo (si vede la doppia linea della spalla)
I added dozens of colourful feathers (found for 1£ last year in UK) and real lace for the long sleeves
Ho aggiunto decine di piccole piume colorate per la gonna e pizzo per creare i guanti:
Since it was so rich I decided to keep the background simple, it's the linen canvas from Pebeo.
Vista la ricchezza del vestito, ho lasciato lo sfondo pulito, un canvas di lino della Pebeo
And "Lovely Day" CI-419 for a 'simple' card
Una "semplice" card
The butterflies are from the 'Butterflie pairs' CI-417
And a tag, both backgrounds are made from leftovers from another project ( do you remember the video about lettering?)
Ed una tag, entrambe fatte con gli avanzi del video sul lettering.
And this is a small panel, very quick to make, where I used the "Baroque splatter script" CI-430, and the new paperpad 'Weekend in Seville", also from CraftyIndividuals.
Ed un piccolo pannello, molto facile da fare, un solo timbro per fare lo sfondo, il "Baroque splatter script" CI-430 ed il profilo disegnato direttamente dal mio stencil Profile per Tando Creative:
For the mini panel I used my Tando Creative Profile stencil, simply tracing and cutting out the shape, here the Pinterest board where you can find gorgeous ideas using my designs.
Qui sulla mia board Pinterest tante idee su come usare i miei timbri e stencils.
You cand find this stencil here, at Tando Creative Retail store

I hope you have the chance to participate on the new challenge, there's only one rule, use at least one CI product and you can win a lovely stamp your choice, and always get a 25% discount on the shop.
Spero vogliate partecipare alla nuova sfida, c'è un mese di tempo!

13 commenti:

Karen ha detto...

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!1 I am in love with the feather girl Gio!!!!! She is so gorgeous and looks like she is off to a posh party! Superb work my friend!, hugs xxx

Immi ha detto...

Each of these projects is so lovely. The amazing detail of the woman with a feathered dress really is stunning!

rachel ha detto...

wow Gio - these are amazing pieces - your stamps are fabulous and I love the stencil too! Thanks for the inspiration! Hugs rachel x

Anonimo ha detto...

Gio, the dress you created for your woman is sensational, the feathers were such a good choice and the lace gloves you gave her, amazing creation.
Beautiful art and you must be so proud that you can create art with your own stamp and stencil designs, you are a true artist.
Thank You so much for your words on my CI sample using one of your women.

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

CAra Gio sei assolutamente incredibile! Tutte le volte mi chiedo cosa potrai inventare! Sei unica, la ragazza piumata è una favola! Barbarayaya

Cocofolies ha detto...

Ooh Gio, a big WOW too for me!!!!!!!!!
I adore how you have dressed with feathers and lace your gorgeous Frida!!!!!
And the way you used your stencil is also fab, well every unique piece today is simply amazing!!!... LOVE this, thank you for the great inspiration with your stamps and stencils (BTW you will see soon a little AJ page with this one too :D)
Big hugs Gio!

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

All of them are beautiful as always Gio :) xx

Flo Langley ha detto...

A huge Wow from me as well. So very clever!!! Frida looks so beautiful. Gorgeous makes. I love these stamps they are so versatile. Thank you!!
Hugs Flo xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Che meraviglia la tua donna vestita di piume!! Un capolavoro! E pure gli altri lavori! Come sempre bellissimi...! Mi piace moltissimo il movimento dato dalla linea della treccia nella tag

Margik ha detto...

What beautiful projects, Gio! Love all of them, but especially the first one, it's really wonderful. Hugs, Mar

craftytrog ha detto...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! xxx

Dana Tatar ha detto...

Beautiful work! I LOVE the feathers on the first piece. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

Sylvie Collet ha detto...

I love the dress made with feathers Gio! un spectaccolo!!!!!!
All cards are lovely. I 'll see Tando store.
Hugs, Sylvie