venerdì 5 giugno 2015

ATB, Upcycled cornflakes box and Crackle

The new 'Take a Technique' theme at TIMI is Texture: I made an Artist Trading Block out of a cereal box ( I don't have any cutting machine here for the proper Sizzix die).
In one of the two parcels sent me from Italy there was the Distress Crackle Clear Rock Candy. I never used this stuff, because everytime I got a poor result, but this time, since the limited supplies on hands, I didn't give up until I got the gorgeous texture I always see on the web.
Questo mese il tema del challenge di CraftStamper magazine è Texture: io ho creato una ATB da una scatola di cereali e usato finalmente con successo (dopo diversi anni di giacenza) il Distress Crackle Clear Rock Candy.
The colours came from a lucky experiment: I gessoed the cardstock and then I sprayed some Lindy's Stamp Gang sprays.
Lo sfondo è successo per caso, dopo aver gessato e spruzzato i colori, mi sono accorta che il gesso se li era semplicemente succhiati, o forse quel tipo di cartoncino non so.
When dry I got a grey-sh, blu-ish pink-ish sad stuff...the gesso or the cardstock, sucks all the colours, I just wanted to throw away everything.
Stavo per abbandonare l'opera quando ho visto sulla scrivania il barattolo del crackle'.
When I saw the rocky cracle candy on my desk (since I was using it on an AJ page)...I tried to scrap a thick layer on the cardstock and the day after the colours were back!! 
Ne ho spennellato una bella quantità e la mattina i colori erano ritornati alla superficie, non so per quale reazione chimica! Mai arrendersi!
I don't know which chemical reation happened but I was so happy!
And the texture, lovely!
And this is the AJ page where I used also the crakle:
 The background has been made by cleaning my stencils and then scraping a thick layer of crackle.The image was so beautiful I decided that the page didn't need anything else. Sometimes less is more.
Lo sfondo era una pagina dove ho pulito gli stencils da un altro progetto, e sopra un bello strato di crackle'.

With this page I participate on the challenge  on ArtJournal Journey: Masculine /Feminine

18 commenti:

froebelsternchen ha detto...

I love your recycling art Gio-- amazing box and those page is such a beautiful artwork as well! I am thrilled about it and very happy to have you again with with us at
Art Journal Joureny!
I saw that I missed the last post and your videos! Off to watch !
Thank you for sharing all this with us!
oxo and happy weekend

Karen ha detto...

Aha!!!! The crackle acts like a varnish my lovely...I use a Satin or Matt Varnish for the same effect if that helps you next time. This is so very beautiful though and the texture is pretty! Fantastic work as always, Hugs xxxxx

Ellie Knol ha detto...

gorgeous happy accident, I love your project!

maj. ha detto...

Totally stunning, such an amazing beautiful background!!

Brenda Brown ha detto...

A great make Gio and what a brilliant find using the crackle paint xxx

Valerie-Jael ha detto...

Love your recycled box and the journal page. Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey with your beautiful composition. Valerie

My name is Erika. ha detto...

Your box looks nothing like the cereal box it started off as. Gorgeous. And great recycling too.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Wow Gio, bellissima scatolina!! Adoro come hai usato i numeri della tombola, sono fantastici!!! Il crackle' non l'ho mai usato, un'altra intrigante suggestione. Anche la pagina del journal è favolosa, con la pulizia degli stencil hai fatto miracoli!!!

craftytrog ha detto...

Beautiful art my friend! xxx

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

You must be getting fed up with using the words: genius and beautiful but what you did with a box is genius and very beautiful Gio. Bravo :)
Hugs from Poppy and me xx
(Is Dido in Australia with you?)

Cocofolies ha detto...

Absolutely genius, and so great ATB from scratch I'm in awe as usual in front of your talent my dear Gio. I will try to remember these very good advices to get a lovely crackle texture and make the colours beneath pop! Big hugs, Coco

Cocofolies ha detto...

Forgot to say that the AJ page is superb!!! :D

Sylvie Collet ha detto...

Amazing recycled cereal box Gio, great using of crackle Paint.
And lovely AJ page!!!!!!!!!

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

CAra si capisce che ho problemi in famiglia , non riesco a stare dietro a tutto quello che vorrei, ma questo merita veramente una super lode, è favoloso, ( come tutte le tue creazioni! anche quelle che non riesco a commentare!). Sei una grande artista! Barbarayaya

Anonimo ha detto...

Amazing box, wow, great recycling. xox

Julie Lee ha detto...

Fantastic box, Gio! What a lovely result with the Crackle! I also love your journal page. The image looks so effective with the background. xxx

Shilpa Nagaonkar ha detto...

Fabulous ATB and journal page, love it!

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Glorious rainbow colours - so right for the Finnabair stamps - and you know I love the crackle!!
Alison xx