sabato 15 febbraio 2014

Glassing over/Vetro

Glassing over the new theme at  CraftBarn this week. To alter my little square glass I used PaperArtsy Fresco Finish paints (the translucent ones) and glitter paste. I love the result!
Decoriamo il vetro questa settimana su  CraftBarn.Io ho usato i Fresco Finish Paints, quelli trasparenti, per decorare un bicchiere, insieme a della pasta glitter. Il risultato è molto anni 70!
Qui il PDF da scaricare con il passo passo.
Here you can download the PDF instructions.
And the second prompt for the : 
Nuove parole  "Forte" e "Mancare" per il :

Quotes & Lyrics challenge (Citazioni e Canzoni)

The new words are STRONG and/or MISS

16 commenti:

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Fabulous projects Gio, especially the coloured glass. Hope all is well with you xx

Pamela ha detto...

se voglio lustrarmi gli occhi... mi basta passare dal tuo blog!!!

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Golly, the glass painting looks SO cool... and I'm loving the intensity of colour in your pages... amazing and beautiful!
Alison xx

froebelsternchen ha detto...

Oh my gosh ... this is such a happy and inspiring post!

I love this idea with the glass..
amazing and the colors of the page is just fantastic...I love all about this post!

Happy weekend

Robi ha detto...

E' sempre stupore e meraviglia quando passo di qua.. ora anche il vetro... ma sei bravissima!!!

G Peplow ha detto...

Oh yes! Gorgeous work, I love the glass it reminds me a little of Clarice Cliff, lovely bold design and colours. Your journal pages are glorious Gio, well made and vibrant blue and green, yum!! Hugs Gay xx

Anonimo ha detto...

Stunning. Before I started stamping I dabbled in glass painting, very much embracing Clarice Cliff style.
Your use of colour blocked within the black lines reminds me of her style. I love the stamped face!

Dianne ha detto...

This glass is GORGEOUSSSSS, love the image and the colors,Bea-u-tiful scrap page, love the colors and the quote, hope you well , thanks for always showing us such new and inspirational work, hope you have a fantastic day, and I hope I don't miss anymore.. ((( BIG HUGS ))).. You ROCK Woman..

Alison ha detto...

Hi Gio!
I love your painted glass, it looks fabulous!
Your page is beautiful too, wonderful colours & design!
Alison xxx

Cocofolies ha detto...

Oh, I love both!!! Your glass project is stunning and really gorgeous, but I also LOVE the page with your cat, superb!! Good evening and week ahead Gio, bises!

Margik ha detto...

What a great painted glass. Great technique! The page is very beautiful with a tree fabolous.
The cat is very very cute.

Anonimo ha detto...

This looks awesome!

nefertiti ha detto...

Lovely colours for this glass project! great work! and your AJ is gorgeous too!!!bizz

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

Fantastic. The altered glass looks wonderful, great shiny effect.
Love the bright colors of your journal page.

Ana K. ha detto...

I did scroll thrue every awesome posts and I love every single piece! And I wish you all the best in your "new life"! Hair cut is super cute :)
aAna K.

Unknown ha detto...

è vero, è proprio anni '70 e Fornasetti credo avrebbe apprezzato