venerdì 17 gennaio 2014

Tim's January Tag 2014

Are you impressed? Me too!! Since I'm not a tag lover, and I never participate on Tim's Tag all over the years, there's always a first time. Of course, my way...
Let me introduce you GioppaPig! Freely inspired by Tim Holtz January Tag 2014. I hope Tim and his staff have a good sense of humour ;-)
Vi ho stupite, eh?! Quando mai ho fatto una tag di Tim? Però lo seguo sempre e questa volta ci sono riuscita a partecipare! Alla mia maniera, naturalmente... Quindi vi presento GioppaPig! Liberamente ispirata alla tag di Gennaio 2014 sul blog di Tim Holtz, spero apprezzino e si facciano una bella risata...
Studing the composition
Un piedistallo degno
Half the way.. To see the techniques I used go to the Tim's tag instructions, of course!
Qui sembra un supereroe
Here we are!

36 commenti:

maj. ha detto...

It is fantastic, Gio!!!!

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

ma che devo dire?????????????????? BArbarayaya

Karen ha detto...

hahahahaha!!!!! This is fantastic Gio!!! It looks like you had a lot of fun with this :-D xxx

Francesca Mei ha detto...

Che ridere!Molto simpatica questa trasformazione!!

Dianne ha detto...

Excellent Miss Gio you are soooooo creative,this is the best Tim's tag, so KOOL, love it thanks for sharing

Sandra ha detto...

Ohh wow, this is so cool! Love your altered piggy bank! What a great take on the tim's tag! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

Dawn ha detto...

Gio this is absolutely brilliant sweetie, I love your take on the techniques. I hope you linked it up to his blog as I'm sure he would love to see it too.
Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

You see me mouth opened... That's FANTASTIC.

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Love, love, love your take on the tag... Your little steampunk pig (steampig?!) is so cute, and I love that you've created the tag background on his podium - just brilliant, Gio!
Alison xx

Gloria ha detto...

Ma tu sei un genio, e' carinissimo e particolare!!! Dei dettagli perfett Gio :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

Gio, only you could take a tag as inspiration and create an altered pig - most amazing indeed.

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Such great fun Gio, love the idea and finished piece, very cleverly done.
hugs {Brenda} x0x

Izzy ha detto...

This is so cute Gio, well done :)

Willy ha detto...

WOW... this is SUPER, Gio!

Alison ha detto...

It's super fun! I love it Gio! I'm sure Tim will be very impressed.
Alison x

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

O My Goodness Gio, this is totally amazing!!

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

What a brilliant idea to transform this cute piggy, Gio. The textures and gears on this project is totally awesome! Thank you for sharing your great creativity with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge this week. :)

Cocofolies ha detto...

hahahahaha, FA-BU-L-O-U-S Gio!!!! Sure you win Tim's January challenge with that if Tim has only an ounce of sense of humour Lol!!! Bisesss Coco

Anna-Karin ha detto...

What a super fun idea! Love your steampunk big and the very clever base made from a roll of masking tape. Love all the details. Thank you for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!

Analia Cristina ha detto...

Ma guarda un po'!'Sto maiale metallico non c'entra niente con i nostri politici no? Me li hai fatto proprio venire in mente,chissà perché!!!!!Potresti chiamarlo "Mini IMU".

Candy C ha detto...

Gio...oh my gosh! YOU are so creative! I love your little metallic steampunk pig. So darling! I also wanted to thank you so much for the very sweet comment you left on my blog. I'm not going anywhere...just leaving the Simon Says Stamp design team. I love them very much but it is just time to spread my wings and see where I land on this creative journey. Hopefully someplace soft and very inspirational! haha Much love,
<3 Candy

Shaunery ha detto...

HOLY CRAP, this is FABULOUS!!! If Tim or Mario doesn't stop by and comment.. well they're missing out! Well done and love how you stepped out of the box!!

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gio solo tu puoi fare questa trasformazione. Sei geniale!!!

~*~Patty S ha detto...

you are too much fun dear Gio and so talented...
if something holds still you will alter it and give it a new and wonderful life!

Brava ♥

Nicole Wright Designs ha detto...

Ok his is pretty cute! I love altering items so your wee piggy appeals to me. How clever. I'm sure I'll be seeing you as a winner.

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Whoopee!! Such a well-deserved win at SSS!
Alison xx

MackieMade Paper Creations ha detto...

Fabulous!!!!!! Congrats on being featured on Simon Says!Well deserved!

Amy* ha detto...

This is amazingly creative! I adore your steam punkish pig to pieces! I don't care much for making tags myself and your project caught my eye on Tim's blog :)

Awesome project!


Maura ha detto...

Oh my! Too stinkin cute!!! Fabulous steampunk pig!! Congrats too at SSS!

Scrapmate ha detto...

This is awesome Gio.

Susan Hogan ha detto...

Amazing - love it! Made me laugh out loud when I saw him - has to be a male!

Elly ha detto... could i miss this beauty? Stunning Gio and congrats to be spotlighted♥

Anita Houston The Artful Maven ha detto...

What a SUPER alteration! That pig is wonderful! Excellent take here!

dottielottie ha detto...

Fantastic! you have seriously transformed this little pig, I love it x

Larissa Heskett ha detto...

OMG!! This is too FUN for words!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

Dana Tatar ha detto...

Wow! This piece is just too cool! I love everything about this! Thanks for the inspiration! :)