sabato 21 dicembre 2013

Windows and Doors/ Porte e finestre

Windows and Doors is the new theme at CraftBarn this week. Here the step by step and the PDF to download.This time I upcycled a long wooden box with the missing lid, so I created a brand new "lid".
Porte e finestre il tema di questa settimana su CraftBarn. Qui il passo passo e il PDF da scaricare con le istruzioni. Ho riciclato una vecchi ascatola che non aveva piu' il coperchio. Molto meglio adesso! :-)
All'interno si possono mettere foto, memorabilia o magari dele candeline a batteria.
Inside you can put some memorabilia, photos or little battery candles.

Are you curious about the new yearly challenge on the CraftBarn blog?
Here's a teaser. Can you guess it?
Ed il 12 Gennaio parte il nuovo challenge sul blog di  CraftBarn che durerà un anno intero. Indovinate cos'è?

26 commenti:

Pamela ha detto...

ma tu sei una grande!!!!!
che spettacolo :-)

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

Non mi resta che quotare Pamela: sei una grandissima! BArbarayaya

Unknown ha detto...

che trasformazione incredibile!

Perline e bottoni ha detto...

Sanca di ripetere i miei soliti apprezzamenti per la tua incommensurabile bravura, ne approfitto per augurarti Buon Natale e Buon Anno!

G Peplow ha detto...

Fabulous creation here again Gio, I love your long box! It is so imaginative! Big hugs, Gay xx

Anonimo ha detto...

Oh my goodness, once again you have completely awed me with your creation!
The possibilities are endless as to what to display but I like the idea of lights for this time of the year.
Festive Wishes

Francesca Mei ha detto...

Deliziose queste finestrelle!!
Ti auguro Buone Feste!

Brenda Brown ha detto...

A brilliant transformation my friend, I love the windows on this.
Have a wonderful and magical Christmas.
Festive greetings.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Alison ha detto...

What a lovely idea to put lights in at Christmas Gio!
Happy Christmas to you.
Alison xxx

Robi ha detto...

Sei di un altro pianeta, l'ho sempre detto!!! Bravissima e geniale!
Baci e abbracci
e tanti auguri

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

What a wonderful creative mind you have Gio! Love your windows :)
Big Christmassy hugs from Poppy and me xxx

Elly ha detto...

What a great idea. Looks like an old rococo facade. Merry Christmas to you and your familiy, dear Gio♥

nefertiti ha detto...

Great work Gio!
Have a wonderful and happy Christmas!

Unknown ha detto...

Sei fantasticamente creativa Gio!!!
Adesso sono in vacanza. Ti auguro Buon Natale e un sereno Anno Nuovo 2014

Cocofolies ha detto...

Great altered art Gio, another of your so stunning and wonderful ideas!!!! Wishing you a merry Christmas with yours, and another next year of your so marvellous projects I love so much!!! Big Hugs, Coco xxx

xxx Myra xxx ha detto...

wow , love it!

maj. ha detto...

Gorgeous Project, Gio!!!
Wishing you a sweet and merry Christmas!!!

LindaS ha detto...

All over the top clever idea. Looks fabuleos.

Unknown ha detto...


Tantissimi auguri Giò
Buon Natale

~*~Patty S ha detto...

Thank you for opening so many doors and windows by the wonderful and magical things you create again and again dear Gio ♥...
I am wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a New Year that is Happy and Bright...
I look forward to sharing more friendship and creativity with you in 2014...
Buon Natalie

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Exquisite, Gio - just beautiful!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas... see you on the other side!
Alison xx

Candy C ha detto...

Gio...LOVE your little upcycled box with the windows! I hopped over to the Craft Barn site to check out and download the PDF instructions! So cute! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! I wanted to thank you for the nice comments you left on my blog as well. LOVE LOVE your windows! Thank you for the instructions, too! Happy New Year! <3 Candy

Dawn ha detto...

Ooh what an exquisite project Gio, simply beautiful sweetie.
We had a lovely Christmas thank-you, how was yours my lovely??
Phew!! I got my last Alpha pages on eventually, squeezed in somewhere among the festive madness ha ha ha.
Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

Marjie Kemper ha detto...

Wow, that's just fabulous, Gio! Loving your triangle piece too... you have been busy. Happy New Year!

PetraB ha detto...

Love your windows, this is a wonderful idea! Have at very happy New Year.

Dana Tatar ha detto...

Wow! Fabulous piece! I love all the detail you put into this project. Happy New Year!