lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Meet the Dyan

It's been a wonderful Sunday yesterday, because she landed in Rome the mythological woman, Dyan Reaveley, and these are some of the pictures of the wonderful morning we spent together:  
Ieri è stata giornata magnifica, perchè è arrivata a Roma a roma per tenere due giorni di corso la mitica  Dyan Reaveley. Grazie a Barbara di Timbroscrapmania per aver organizzato tutto in maniera così eccellente! La Dyan è stata veramente simpatica, disponibile e paziente, non me l'aspettavo! (Si, Roberta è vestita come lei!)

She was very funny, super professional and patient, and she showed and teached us her wonderful art. Thank you to Dyan and the gorgeous Barbara, the owner of Timbroscrapmania and our host.

When I returned home I decided to finish the pages we started during the workshop, but since my desk was too messy and crowded I crafted on my coach and with short supplies, just as I crafting in an airplane (as Dyan told us about making art during her flights).
This is my couch this very morning, see the giant Creative Journal Barbara and Dyan gave us:

Appena tornata a casa ho deciso di finire tutte le pagine che avevamo iniziato al corso ( impossibile non ce l'ho fatta), ma siccome la scrivania era un casino indescrivibile, ho creato sul divano, e con le cose che avevo a portata di mano, ecco il mio divano stamattina, meritava una foto. Sul pouf l'Art Journal regalatoci al corso, giganteeee!

And these are the pages I made, I love them!
E queste le pagine finite, mi piacciono!

26 commenti:

Kim Dellow ha detto...

Glad you had fun! Great work too! Kim

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gio que fortuna sei stata con Dyan!!! capolavoro totale!!!

Tracy ha detto...

Looks like you had great fun! Beautifully colourful pages.

xxx Myra xxx ha detto...

wow love it!

Daniela ha detto...

Ciao Gio! Grazie, perchè sei riuscita a trasferire in poche righe, le giuste foto e con molti colori, sensazioni ed emozioni nell'incontrare Lei! Il fatto che tu sia tornata a casa (pure in aereo) così "carica" e che tu abbia finito i tuoi lavori (con la sua tecnica ma il tuo inconfondibile stile, che personalmente adoro) lo dimostrano! Grazie grazie grazie! Daniela

Brenda Brown ha detto...

You look fabulous Gio and your pages are stunning. Glad you had such a great time.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Einat's Art World ha detto...

I see so beautiful work you made in the workshop and I'm sorry I didn't make it to Rome for the workshops.

Cocofolies ha detto...

Ooooh you have pink curtains near your couch, that's all you..! :)) Well, seriously thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of the fabulous moments you have had with this great lady and of your AJ, specially amazing !!!!! ciao gio, bises ! Coco

Anonimo ha detto...

We can tell you had such fun and your Journal pages - amazing, full of personality and bold colours.

Dawn ha detto...

What luscious inky fun sweetie, looks like you had a fab time. Your pages are gorgeous.
Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

nefertiti ha detto...

What beautiful colors!!! I love your pages!!!!! and great meeting!!!
You seem so happy !!!!!!

Dana Tatar ha detto...

Wow! I love the journal pages! So colorful! It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing! :)

Franca ha detto...

Che bello! Bello proprio tutto, dall'occasione al risultato!

Alison ha detto...

Wow! These are fantastic pages Gio! I love all of the bright colours!
Alison xx

Dianne ha detto...

EEEEKKKKKSSS I looooove them to Miss Gio, this is your style, with some funk thrown in..Fabulous pics of all your lovely Ladies and big fun was had by all,Miss Dyan looks like a fun loving woman.Crafting on your couch, the airplane, you are a true ARTIST,thanks for sharing your fabulous art that make my heart sing and have big smiles.. Have a wonderful day, ((( BIG HUGS )))

Julie Lee ha detto...

Wow! There's some fabulous art here, Gio! Dyan must be a really inspirational lady! I'd love to do one of her classes! Julie Ann xx

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

Wow, these are fantastic pages. Great bright colors.

Lucy Edmondson ha detto...

Gorgeous pictures, Gio! Looks like you had a great time!

Lucy x

maj. ha detto...

Love the mix of colours ! I absolutely adore this pages!!!

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Looks like you had a fabulous time, and what amazing results too!
Alison x

~*~Patty S ha detto...

Wonderful happy artists faces and photos dear Gio ♥
Your couch looks like my kind of happy place!!! and crafting on the plane sounds very interesting indeed!
Your colorful art always makes me smile...thank you for inspiring and sharing your passion...
Happy Weekend to you dear one

Marjie Kemper ha detto...

Oh, Gio, these are fantastic pages! Isn't Dyan a joy? So glad you had the chance. That one on the bottom right is popping off the screen at me!

Anonimo ha detto...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! gorgeous pages

Unknown ha detto...

ma dai, ha i capelli dello stesso colore della tua fascia...fantastica lei, belle voi e davvero interessanti i risultati che sei riuscita ad ottenere per le tue pagine

Unknown ha detto...

bellissime le pagine wowww , coloratissime e frizzanti , ''quanto mi mancano queste ceazioni ''
bravissima gio :-)

Ana K. ha detto...

Gorgeous journaling!