giovedì 4 luglio 2013

Profumo di lavanda/Scent of lavender

Anche quest'anno ho avuto modo di raccogliere la lavanda "condominiale" :-), l'ho messa a seccare ed ecco i miei nuovi sacchettini. Spero vi piacciano.
Like last year, I had the chance to pick the lavender from the garden of the building where I live. I let to dry and I put on my handmade sachet. These are very easy to make.
These ones I made using leftovers from pieces of cotton fabric sprayed with mists, stamped and sewed.
Questi li ho fatti con degli avanzi di stoffa, del cotone spruzzato con i mist, stampati e cuciti.
Questi sono un semplice quadrato di stoffa cucito e poi incollato sopra del pizzo colorato con i mist. Molto semplici e veloci da fare.
These are are even simpler to make:
-cut two squares of natural calico
-sew them together along with a piece of ribbon as a holder, leaving an opening
-stuff with the lavender, seeds and branches
-sew the opening
-cut and colour some pieces of lace (I used the Cosmic Mister)
-glue the lace to the sachet

30 commenti:

Pamela ha detto...

sono tutti bellissimi
quello a forma di cuore è il mio preferito ;-)

G Peplow ha detto...

Gorgeous, gorgeous my friend:D I have mine from last year in my crafty room and I love them, every now and then I give them a squeeze and the beautiful lavender is released again, Hugs Gay x

Chris ha detto...

These are beautiful Gio! Always love your marvelous ideas and I'm hoping to make something similar when I visit a lavendar farm this months, the smell is so restful! Hugs, Chris x

Netty ha detto...

Love your lavender sachets, my mother used to make these along with lavender pillows and they always smelt gorgeous. Great makes, hugs Annette x

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Stunningly lovely, Gio - your sense of colour is so full of spirit and beauty.
Alison xx

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Beautiful Gio, I love the idea of picking the lavender and using it in gorgeous little bags like these.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Glennis F ha detto...

Very beautiful, Gio

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

Mi piacciono un scco e sembrano ( nota bene sembrano!) facili anche per me che con la macchina da cucire devo ancora prendere confidenza! Belli e solari BArbarayaya

Karen ha detto...

oooo these are so gorgeous Gio! I love the colours! You are so lucky to be able to pick the lavender..I ued to have a large patch of lavender in my old house which one of the cats claimed for himself. He always smelt lovely haha! HUGS xxx

Willy ha detto...

Love your lavender sachets, Gio! So beautiful...

Marina Spada ha detto...

Mi piacciono si!
Sono proprio speciali, profumati e dal look originale.

Cocofolies ha detto...

Really lovely dear Gio, nice colours as always !!! I almost can smell the lavender parfume... hummm ! :)) Good week-end, hugs.

Dawn ha detto...

Ooh you lucky thing!! One of my favourite scents sweetie, I used to pick lavender (with permission) from a neighbours garden when I was a child. Your sachets are beautiful, what a brilliant way to preserve a gorgeous smell.
Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

Annuk ha detto...

Che meraviglia il profumo di lavanda... e che meraviglia i tuoi sacchettini... uno più bello dell'altro!!!

Julie Lee ha detto...

So beautiful, Gio! I adore lavender, but I just can't seem to grow it in my garden - wrong kind of soil! I have to buy it in the apothecary. I love the coloured lace on these delicate little sachets. Daisy, my cat does not have lavender to lie in like Karen's, but she loves her Rosemary patch in the garden! Julie Ann xx

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gio da qua sento il profumo delicato della lavanda. Bellissimi!!!

Francesca Mei ha detto...

Adoro i tuoi sacchetti profumati!

Candy C ha detto...

Gio...this is so bright and colorful and I can almost smell the lavender just from your photographs! The pretty pink basket is a wonderful way to display all of those lovely little sachet pockets. Love it! Thanks for sharing your work with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

Unknown ha detto...

Cara Giò, è un piacere conoscerti! Mi sto avvicinando allo scrapbooking e il tuo blog mi è molto di aiuto. Ti seguo molto volentieri!
Questi sacchettini porta lavanda sono deliziosi! Bacioni

Scrapmate ha detto...

I'm just about to do the same with my lavender and was going to make some sachets with some Japanese fabrics I have. Thanks for the instructions your sachets are beautiful.

Dana Tatar ha detto...

Wow! Your sachets are so beautiful! I bet they smell amazing! Thanks for the inspiration!

nefertiti ha detto...

Wow!! just perfect!!!!i love these colours as always!!!bisous

Anna-Karin ha detto...

These are so sweet! What a great idea. Love the colours and patterns. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

~*~Patty S ha detto...

OH dear Gio!
How beautiful and inspiring and right on time too...our Lavender bloomed while we were traveling this year and I cannot make my lavender wands so I was thinking of making sachets ... yours are gorgeous!
I was just picking some today and then it got so hot I have to wait a little for it to cool down
Happy rest of the weekend to you dear one

Anonimo ha detto...

Your lavender sachet look gorgeous!! and I lvoe the smell of lavender, imagine how your house smells now!!

Anonimo ha detto...

You are Queen of Colour! The sachets have a wonderful contemporary appearance to them.
I love the smell and like to create sachets.

Dianne ha detto...

Wow Gio these are gorgeous, what a wonderful idea to use these for satchels lavender, prettiest ones I've seen, thanks for sharing your wonderful creativity with us..I have a lot of those doilies, I might even try some,do I have to sew them :( LOL..I

chiara_francy ha detto...

belli, coloratissimi e anche molto utili!!!

Roberta ha detto...

Si sente il profumo fino da me. Il prossimo anno voglio partecipare anche io al raccolto!

Cynthia Schelzig ha detto...

Another wonderful project...ahhh I can smell the scent of lavender in the air BUT,,,,I know someone who is NOT happy with this lavender basket being so full of know that precious orange and black furry cutie at your house.