domenica 30 giugno 2013

DIY tissue tape and mini holder

I did it again! Can't resist to be inspired from the week's projects on Paperartsy blog. The uber-talented Darcy Wilkinson showed us how to make your own tissue tape and how to build a gorgeous holder here and here. But...since I don't have any wooden spool nor the room in my craft cabinet to keep an holder so big, I made the smaller ever tissue-tape holder. And I love it!
I started from here, the cheapest masking tape from the market, some Fresco Finish paints and stamping:
Anche stavolta non ho resistito ai bellisimi progetti creati e spiegati dalla bravissima  Darcy Wilkinson sul blog della Paperartsy . Crearsi i propri colorati tissue tape e persino un raccoglitore. Ma non avendo ne' rocchetti di legno, ne' lo spazio per un simile contenitore nel mio armadio, ho optato per la versione più piccola possibile, nata da una bachechina e dai bastoncini per le orecchie.
Sono partita dal più economico scotch di carta:
And my mini mini holder, out a mini shadow box and some cotton bud:
La bacheca prima:

On the back, where I used the tissue tapes
Il retro:
It's smaller then the paint bottle!
E' più piccolo dellla bottiglietta di acrilico :-)

31 commenti:

Craftyfield ha detto...

Your box is gorgeous! Can't believe so much effort went into making a holder for the cheapest tapes on the market!

Lin ha detto...

Brilliant!!! and such lovely colours...

Lucy Edmondson ha detto...

This is adorable, Gio! It looks so Japanese! Such a shame I didn't know you needed wooden spools, I would love to have give you some of mine when we met up,

Lucy x

Kezzy ha detto...

Oh wow wow wow wow this is absolutely amazing and so adorable and the tapes look awesome :-) Kezzy xxx

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

sono davvero stupita, anche stavolta a bocca aperta! Come fai a pensarle?????????????? Barbarayaya

Dawn ha detto...

Awe Gio this is stunning sweetie. I love the adaptations you have made according to what supplies you have - using the cotton buds for the spools was truly inspired! Love all the tape too, beautifully done, lol a girl can never have enough yummy tape hey!!
Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

Unknown ha detto...

idea perfetta, molto funzionale

Julie Lee ha detto...

Oh wow! This is just gorgeous! I love the colours and the detail! You've given me a great idea as to how to store my tapes now because I just don't have room for much more storage! Julie Ann xx

Carol Q ha detto...
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Carol Q ha detto...

that's so cute Gio. what a lot of work. somehow it looks oriental to me.

Sarah B ha detto...

love the little box - I wasn't sure what to do with my tapes so I may have to try this, if you don't mind xx

Valerie-Jael ha detto...

Fantastic idea! Valerie

Darcy Marshall ha detto...

This is wonderful. I love how you took the ideas and totally made them to suit your needs and your available materials/space. Well done, this is an awesome piece.

Pamela ha detto...

ma tu sei un genio!!!

Netty ha detto...

wow thats a fab idea and love your wonderful make Gio, hugs Annette x

chiara_francy ha detto...

Ma che meraviglia!!!!

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

That's a fantastic idea, the whole project looks great.

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Oh, your tiny holder is adorable!!
Alison x

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gio mi piace questo piccolo lavoro, simpatico!!!

Elly ha detto...

Just brilliant!! (:o)

Karen ha detto...

WOW!!!!! you are a genius my dear!!!!! This is amazing! HUGS xxx

Cocofolies ha detto...

Ooh, brilliant Gio !!! And I love your use of cotton bud ha ha, great idea! I understand that you could't resist to try something, I've also admired this fabulous project hmm... Yours is wonderful my Dear ! :) Coco xxx

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

Wonderful Gio, small but perfect :)
Big hugs xxx

Immi ha detto...

Lovely! Thank you for the inspiration!

Scrapmate ha detto...

This is adorable and so practical! I love the tape you've made too.

Dianne ha detto...

Brilliant Gio, it is the cutest holder, I looooove it, and your tape is gorgeousss, love it with the paint, Ill have to try with the paints I have. I love the back, oh it is so darn CUTE... Thanks for sharing your creative ideas..

Roberta ha detto...

Piccolissimo ma utilissimo. I tuoi nuovi tissue tape sono bellissimi!

Marjie Kemper ha detto...

Oh my gosh, how fabulous is this!?!?!? Love it, front and back... useful and gorgeous all at once!

nefertiti ha detto...

Excellent idea!!!!!!very cute project!!!bisous

Scrappekatten ha detto...

Just love this!

Cynthia Schelzig ha detto...

ohhhhh mama mia!!! this is UBER kooooooool. I love what you did here.