Sono partita da qua:
This week at CraftBarn don't miss a single day! There will be lots of projects, inspiration, tutorials for Christmas! I started here:

And with acrylic paints, rubber stamps, stencils and tissue paper I get this one:
A pillow, made with that same white bag:
A video for the first bag:
qui il tutorial passo passo della borsa viola:
Have a look at the step by step for the second bag.
Materials I used:
Can't miss this on the shop!

Fabric shopping bag: white
Fresco Finish paint 'Orchid'
Fresco Finish paint 'Guacamole'
Fresco Finish paint 'Haystack'
PaperArtsy Fresco Finish paints: 'Lilac'
Impression Obsession 'Flourishes'
Katzelcraft 'Cage and Chandelier' and 'Sandglass'
Claudine hellmuth Multimedium matte
Viva Pardo jewellery clay: Copper
Ranger Perfect Pearls: Metallic kit
Crafty Secrets: Artsy Alphabet
The Crafters Workshop template - Harlequin
Tando stencil 'Cogs'
Viva Pearl Pen: cream
Viva Pearl Pen: copper
Can't miss this on the shop!

16 commenti:
belle le shopper...mi piacciono tuo blog è proprio una ventata di allegria e speranza in un amattinata in cui non si ha proprio voglia...Ora vado a studiare il video :)
Absolutely wonderful - gorgeous colours and a wonderful gift x
Immaginare che un pezzo di stoffa bianco si trasformi in uno spettacolo, non è decisamente da tutti!
sono davvero stupendi i tuoi lavori mi piacciono un sacco! dove hai trovato la borsa grezza? e quanto l'hai pagata? asp una tua risp ciaoo
ed è davvero un bel arrivare!
Gracias por tu inspiración y por el paso a paso!!!! es muy bello tu trabajo, como siempre son increibles los colores!
Un abrazo!
tutto bellissimissimo!
Love those pillows, Gio. They look awesome!!
BTW you should have come to Hamburg. We had a blast and I'm sure you would have loved all the mixed media we used there and our fantastic teachers. Maybe next year if there's a new edition? :)
I'm not writing about your used colours anymore *lol* promised...but the idea to make a!!
xoxo Elly
You have a way dear Gio of making magic and beauty out of nothing!
well almost nothing ;)
you always inspire me and brighten my day
Hi Gio, You know how much I love these gorgeous gifts :0) Lots! The video is magic! Gay xxx
Oh Gio, these are beautiful! T4S :)
Stupenda la shopping bag così.Di certo però mi seccherebbe usarla per la spesa.è troppo chic!
coucou Giovanna, Super génial la vidéo. Merci pour ton travail et le temps consacré à nous montrer toutes ces belles choses. Gros bisous de la France. Laurence
coucou Giovanna, Super génial la vidéo. Merci pour ton travail et le temps consacré à nous montrer toutes ces belles choses. Gros bisous de la France. Laurence
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