lunedì 6 novembre 2023

**New e-book! Happy Slow Stitching is here

Happy%20Slow%20StitchingCoverHello everyone, my third e-book is out and is all about slow stitching, upcycling fabric and colourful collages. Paint your own fabric, learn most used basic stitches and three finished projects, for beginner and advanced stitchers. A new relaxing hobby to make on the couch in the evening with few materials needed. 
On offer on this very first week, a 15% discount on the sales price, available to direct download on my Etsy shop.
stitchALL1By the end of this book, you'll learn how to dye and decorate fabric, the most common stitches, how to create fabric collage and how to use them for three finished project.

This e-book contains:
- Step by step photo tutorial from start to finish:
-Beaded Hearts
-Agenda/Journal Cover
-Kiss Clas Purse
-Most common stitches
-How to make a fabric collage
- 65 pages with photo and description
- PDF file (10 MB size)
- 18 video tutorial (5 hours of footage)

giovedì 21 settembre 2023

Gel Printers Summit 2023!


 A big, exciting news: I am one of 14 instructors at the incoming Gel Printers Summit 2023 hosted by Drew Steinbrecher! All the info you need here, and until October,1st there's a whooping ealry bird price of 67$!

Inspirations, ideas how to use your gel prints, new and old, and hours of footage about gel printing. I can't wait to start!



This is an affiliate link, thank you for supporting me :-)

lunedì 28 agosto 2023

99 Prints: Tweaking Botanical Prints

99prints5Did I quit this 99 prints project? Quite...I will never be able to make 99 prints before the end of the year, I know, shame on me :-D. Anyway, from the batch of eco printed fabric I picked the worst ones and tweak them a little bit with my beloved Gelli printing plate. This is the result:
Here's a short video process:

lunedì 21 agosto 2023

EcoPrinting No Boiling No Mordant, does it work?!

ecoprintFabrianoPaperHello everyone, it's been a pretty while since I posted here, and in the meantime I got hooked by, well, another obsession: eco printing! I attended a very thoroughly -in person- workshop about it, and I was pretty sure I would never attempted it in the future because it was too much hassle, especially the boiling and the mordant part (adding some chemicals to the water to prep the fabric/paper). 
But curiosity won me over and I decided to ride the heat wave that hit Italy this Summer. I made several experiments, and filmed two videos, very long ones, you can watch them double speed, since my English is pretty simple and I speak slow :-)
First experiments using a tin can, iron blanket on paper:

Experiments with a proper rusted tube on fabric and paper:

ecoprintFabric4Here's a short showing a notebook made out of ecoprinted papers:

mercoledì 14 giugno 2023

E-Book in italiano: "Riciclo di stoffe creativo: sottobicchieri e vaso"

E' uscito il mio libro sul riciclo creativo di stoffe in italiano!!! Disponibile su Etsy, con spiegazioni complete passo passo e video per creare insieme a me il sottobicchiere ed un vaso tessile o cestino, dall' inizio alla fine:
Dopo un anno ancora mi diverte molto, ecco la mia ultima super piccola creazione:

giovedì 1 giugno 2023

June Newsletter: Free 'Mandala' SVG file


Have you received my June newsletter in your inbox? There's a free SVG/PNG file to download, to cut or print at home, and these are some ideas how you can use it, hope these ideas inspire you!
cardMandala1A couple of cyanotyped tags:
Here's a short video process:

And some Distress Oxides cards:
cardMandala3A booklet made with different techniques (even a cyanotype):
mandalaBookletAnd two gel printed round tags:
Subscribe to my newsletter, with news, freebies and more!

giovedì 11 maggio 2023

Video Tutorial: Unique Prints with Cyanotype and Gel Printing

cyanotypeGelPrint1Helloooo, cyanotype again! Well, I have one kit and it lasts for many many many prints. The only problem was to find nice botanicals to use to make impressions, so I designed and laser cut them out.
And what better idea to put together cyanotype and gel printing? A match in Heaven? Maybe...let me know it and enjoy the video:

cyanotypeGelPrint4 scascasvasv
My new botanical stencils are available on Etsy, Mylar and Digital

mercoledì 10 maggio 2023

New Botanical Stencils!

Hello everyone! A little post to show you properly the new botanical stencils! I've designed them to use for cyanotype but these can be used in many different ways:

My new botanical stencils are available on Etsy, Mylar and digital:

lunedì 8 maggio 2023

99 Prints Part 4: Alcohol inks on Canvas

And here we are with 4 new prints for my year long craft project '99 Prints'. This time I played with alcohol inks on canvas. Since I discovered cyanotype prints I found out that I don't have any nice real leaves to use to make impressions, so I designed them: I created a set of 3 leaves stencils, and I used them also here with alcohol inks. I love them!
Here's a short video process:

My new botanical stencils are available on Etsy, Mylar and Digital