
lunedì 9 giugno 2014

Extravaganza 2014 and great news!

My long holiday here in Engand is, sadly, coming to an end, but there's a great news! Last weekend there was the Extravaganza 2014 at CraftBarn, and my first stencils designed for Tando Creative hit the market! I know I know it's a surprise even for me! :-)
La mia lunga vacanza in Inghilterra purtroppo sta per terminare, e io che non volevo neanche partire! Ma c'è una grande notizia: lo scorso we all' Extravanganza di CraftBarn, sono stati mostrati i miei primi stencils disegnati per Tando Creative: lo so, non ci credo neanch'io! :-)
 My samples made with the stencils:
Alcune delle cose fatte con gli stencils:
More about it, samples, links, video e giveaways, on the next weeks, stay tuned!
Vi dirò di più nelle prossime settimane, con progetti, links, video e giveaway!

As usual the Extravaganza was crowded and very inspiring, here some photos. Among the uber-talented 25 demonstrators, Neil Walker, Lyn Brown and Cathy Byrne.
Alcune foto dall'Extravaganza, come sempre una grande fonte di ispirazione!

28 commenti:

  1. I primi di una lunga e fortunata serie! Sono come te: stupendi!

  2. Gio
    Such brilliant news - how fabulous this is for you to have your own line of stencils ...Bravo!

  3. Before I read your post I looked at your photo of those gorgeous stencils and thought oooo wouldn't those be lovely to have...
    Brilliant news for you dear Gio and I am not surprised because you are a star!
    The UK was lucky to have you for a month.
    I can see why it is called Extravaganza with so much great eye candy and things to enjoy!

    BIG Congratulations I am VERY happy and excited for you...I hope your stencils will be sold across the pond here in the US too?

  4. It was so lovely to meet you in person at the Craft Barn. I am going back soon to buy one of your stencils. They are beautiful! Have a safe journey home. Julie Ann xxx

  5. Oh Miss Gio I'm soooooo excited for you, those stencils are gorgeous, congratulations, you deserve this, your creations are OUTSTANDING, I hope to be there next year for the extravaganza, I can't wait to meet you in person, I agree with Miss Patty England was lucky to have you there, hope you have a safe trip home and a wonderful week, ((( HUGE HUGS )))...

  6. Complimenti Gio!!! i disegni sono stupendi.

  7. Gio ma sei davvero una grande! Mi stracomplimento e ti faccio un grande in bocca al lupo per questa splendida avventura! Un bacio enorme BArbarayaya

  8. awesome news, congratulations Gio!!

  9. Fantastic news, so happy for you!!!!! Your stencils looks really gorgeous, I already love your design Gio! Really looking forward to getting and trying them now!.. :) Thanks for all the photos, hope you have had a super time at Extravaganza and in England this month! xxx

  10. Wow!!! Complimenti e auguri per questa tua nuova avventura creativa :-)
    E che bello il tuo logo!!!

  11. Wonderful to see you again Gio, and your English is so good now!
    I love your new stencils, I can't wait to play!
    I hope you have a good journey home.
    Alison xxx

  12. Oh Gio!!!! Your stencils are BEAUTIFUL!!!! I cannot wait to get my hands on them!!!! I was so sad not to be there this year and to miss a chat with a lovely friend, HUGS xxx

  13. Wow! I'm very happy for you Gio! your stencils looks fantastic!!!!!
    I'm proud of you!!!

  14. Wow, great examples and stencils, congratulations! You have come a long way from home for the Extravaganza and I haven't got to it yet and I am in England! One day I hope to go to it.

    Cazzy x

  15. Felicidades por todas estas novedades Gio!!!
    Mar x

  16. Awe Gio your stencils are AMAZING, such versatile, fun designs. I love the fact that they are through Di too, the quality is outstanding. Well done sweetie.
    Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

  17. Congratulazioni Gio!!!!Fantastico inizio!!!Cate

  18. Gio' sono bellissimi!!! Congratulazioni!!
    un bacione

  19. Well done Gio, looks like you have been having a great time.
    Safe journey home.
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  20. Sono stencils splendidi e comincio a fare adesso gli occhietti dolci al marito per un ordinino!!! Congratulazioni e in bocca al lupo Gio, per tutto e che vada tutto in crescendo sempre, te lo meriti! Daniela

  21. ps: Extravaganza è nella mia lista "to see...one day!", deve essere una vera gioia per gli occhi! D.

  22. Bravo Gio, I am certain your stencils will be a big success.
    I am glad the sun is shining for you whilst you are over here :)
    Big hugs from Poppy and me xxx

  23. Bravo Gio, I am certain your stencils will be a big success.
    I am glad the sun is shining for you whilst you are over here :)
    Big hugs from Poppy and me xxx

  24. Wow! How exciting. I'll be picking up your stencils from Tando for sure. A big congrats to you!

  25. These are fantastic news. Congratulations. Your samples are wonderful.


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